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GEOMETRY 4-1 Classifying Triangles. Acute Triangle Three acute angles Triangle Classification By Angle Measures.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOMETRY 4-1 Classifying Triangles. Acute Triangle Three acute angles Triangle Classification By Angle Measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOMETRY 4-1 Classifying Triangles

2 Acute Triangle Three acute angles Triangle Classification By Angle Measures

3 Right Triangle One right angle Triangle Classification By Angle Measures

4 Obtuse Triangle One obtuse angle Triangle Classification By Angle Measures

5 Equiangular Triangle Three congruent acute angles Triangle Classification By Angle Measures

6 Classify Each Triangle According to Angle Measure

7 Equilateral Triangle Three congruent sides Triangle Classification By Side Lengths

8 Isosceles Triangle At least two congruent sides Triangle Classification By Side Lengths

9 Scalene Triangle No congruent sides Triangle Classification By Side Lengths

10 Classify Each Triangle by Side Length

11 Find the length of each side. 3x - 2 5x - 4 4x - 2

12 Example: Word Problem A steel mill produces roof supports by welding pieces of steel beams into equilateral triangles. Each side of the triangle is 18 feet long. How many triangles can be formed from 420 feet of steel beam?

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