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MACHC 2014. WENDWG 4 4 rd Meeting held March 18-19, 2014 Highlights Review of WEND principles and governance ENC Issues (Gaps and Overlaps) WEND Database.

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Presentation on theme: "MACHC 2014. WENDWG 4 4 rd Meeting held March 18-19, 2014 Highlights Review of WEND principles and governance ENC Issues (Gaps and Overlaps) WEND Database."— Presentation transcript:

1 MACHC 2014

2 WENDWG 4 4 rd Meeting held March 18-19, 2014 Highlights Review of WEND principles and governance ENC Issues (Gaps and Overlaps) WEND Database

3 Review of WEND Principles and Governance Establishing a minimum set of RENC standards Will enable the possibility of the establishment of additional RENCs Developed a procedure for resolving overlapping ENC data Submitted to IRCC5 IRCC5 Decision: RENCs to first use the procedure on overlaps as an IRCC procedure until more input is received and then possibly propose this to be an IHO resolution.

4 Draft Procedure for Resolving Overlaps 1. Criteria for Assessing the Risks a) Geographical location of the overlap (port approaches worse than deep water) and shipping density in that area (many ships worse than few). b) Size of the area of overlapping data (large is worse than small). c) Scale of the overlapping cells (large scale probably worse than small scale but the quality of the different scales is also a factor as some ECDIS display the larger scale automatically where overlaps occur). d) Shipping route patterns - the direction that ships usually transit through the area covered by the overlapping data (where there is a large north to south overlap it would potentially present a greater risk where ships are normally heading north or south than where they are normally heading east or west). e) Differences in the overlapping data relating to positions of the same feature and also the existence or non-existence of features (many worse than few).

5 Draft Procedure for Resolving Overlaps 2. Initial Procedures for Addressing the Risks at the ENC Producer level a) ENC Producer MS which have overlaps within their own coverage should, as soon as possible, crop the cells to eliminate the overlap. b) Where possible, ENC Producer MS which have overlaps with another ENC Producer MS’ coverage should take the initiative in discussing arrangements with the other ENC Producer MS for cropping either or both cells to eliminate the overlap. Agreeing an exchange of data may be helpful to facilitate such cropping. c) Where eliminating overlaps is not possible, ENC Producer MS should nonetheless examine the data within the areas of overlap with a view to ensuring, wherever possible, that the data is the same. In prioritizing this work, account should be taken of the criteria in paragraph 1 above. Agreeing an exchange of data may be helpful to facilitate the comparison. d) When it is not possible to eliminate overlaps the ENC Producer MS should align their updating regimes within the overlap areas.

6 Draft Procedure for Resolving Overlaps 3. Following Procedures at the RHC level The assessment of what may be navigationally significant should be guided by the best practices The RHC may seek the assistance of a Regional ENC Coordination Centre (RENC) to assist in the implementation of this risk assessment and should take a proactive approach with the ENC Producer MS, to resolve overlap issues within the region.

7 ENC Issues (Gaps and Overlaps) ENC Gaps for the MACHC Reported in March 2014 PORTCOUNTRYRANK 2006 Castaway CayBahamas1498 PaluaVenezuela967 El TablazoVenezuela1942 MaracaiboVenezuela705 San MarcosMexico1230 Half Moon CayBahamas1461 Puerto OrdazVenezuela618 Pascagoula light. areaUnited States of America1888 DonaldsonvilleUnited States of America1555 Puerto Costa MayaMexico1157 Charco AzulPanama905 Coco CayBahamas1177 MatanzasVenezuela1079 El PalitoVenezuela540 Cayo MoaCuba1761 CienfuegosCuba1310 TurboColombia520 Panama CanalPanama11 Great Stirrup CayBahamas1898 CaripitoVenezuela1624 Cabo RojoDominican Republic1363 Puerto CareneroVenezuela1890 Puerto CabelloVenezuela219 Puerto MirandaVenezuela468 Galveston light. areUnited States of America335 Puerto CastillaHonduras1996

8 ENC Issues (Gaps and Overlaps) ENC Overlaps for the MACHC reported March 2014 All Overlaps have since been resolved CELLNAMECELLNAME_1 US4LA15MUS4LA13M US5TX32MUS5TX26M US3GC01MMX300711 US1GC09MGB1A20M2

9 WEND Database WEND database consists of data from IC-ENC, Primar and future RENCs IHB is also developing a ENC coverage catalogue Need to identify the type of metadata that will populate the catalogue

10 Next Meeting: Singapore, March 3-5 Thank You!

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