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Show of hands…how many people are using a social media site?

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Presentation on theme: "Show of hands…how many people are using a social media site?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Show of hands…how many people are using a social media site?

2 Question: How many people in this room have read the terms of a site? Reasons: No time / Doesn’t pertain to me / Boring / Uninteresting / Long legal document / Everyone else is on it so must be ok!

3 Exact date of birth and exact place of birth, address, phone number and location are all key pieces to your identity puzzle.

4 Understand privacy settings of the social network you are using.

5 Be careful when announcing your location and checking into places. If you must brag about a trip or a cool party, do it after the fact.

6 - Don't put up embarrassing photos that you wouldn't show your grandmother. - Don't complain about your job or your boss. - Don't say something to or about someone that you wouldn't say to his face. - Don't threaten others. Remember that what you post is public and permanent.

7 What would the consequences be if this information fell into the hands of my boss, competitor or people who don't like me?

8 43%


10 Thank you! Follow me on twitter: @alexwadja

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