Clerk Budgets CFY 2014-15 CCOC Court-Related Budgeting Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 2560-102 Barrington Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-386-2223.

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Presentation on theme: "Clerk Budgets CFY 2014-15 CCOC Court-Related Budgeting Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 2560-102 Barrington Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-386-2223."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clerk Budgets CFY 2014-15 CCOC Court-Related Budgeting Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 2560-102 Barrington Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-386-2223

2 Presentation Overview  Statutory Structure and Schedule  Recent Policy and Operational Direction  Budget Forms and Instructions  Performance and Budget System (PABS)  Issues to Consider and Dates to Remembers  Questions

3 Statutory Structure and Schedule  Chapters 28.35 and 28.36, Florida Statutes Extensive Structure Provided in Section 28.35(2)(f) Extensive Structure Provided in Section 28.35(2)(f)  Statutorily Defined Schedule June 1, 2014: Clerks’ CFY 2014-15 court-related budgets are due to the CCOC (Section 28.36(2)(a)) June 1, 2014: Clerks’ CFY 2014-15 court-related budgets are due to the CCOC (Section 28.36(2)(a)) August 1, 2014: CCOC must submit the Clerks’ Legislative Budget Request (LBR) to the Legislative Budget Commission (LBC) (Section 28.35(2)(h)) August 1, 2014: CCOC must submit the Clerks’ Legislative Budget Request (LBR) to the Legislative Budget Commission (LBC) (Section 28.35(2)(h)) October 1, 2014: Date by which the LBC to act upon the Clerks’ LBR (Section 28.35(2)(h)) October 1, 2014: Date by which the LBC to act upon the Clerks’ LBR (Section 28.35(2)(h))

4 Recent Policy and Operational Direction  CCOC Finance and Budget Committee Chaired by Bob Inzer Chaired by Bob Inzer Provided answers to specific policy and operational questions posed by local clerk staff Provided answers to specific policy and operational questions posed by local clerk staff Provided direction on defining “similarly situated clerks” Provided direction on defining “similarly situated clerks”  CCOC Joint Committee Chaired jointly by Paula O’Neil and Bob Inzer Chaired jointly by Paula O’Neil and Bob Inzer Provided guidance on the definition of “workload measures” Provided guidance on the definition of “workload measures”

5 Budget Forms and Instructions  Scheduled to be released April 15, 2014  Training will be held in April and May  Forms will be consistent with those previously used with minor changes Additional calculation related to revenues Additional calculation related to revenues Additional section to report pay/benefit increases Additional section to report pay/benefit increases Additional section to report FRS/health insurance expenditures Additional section to report FRS/health insurance expenditures

6 Performance and Budget System (PABS)  SQL-based budgeting and reporting system with browser-based user interface  Enhanced transparency and accountability in clerk court-related budgeting  One-stop access to all your prior year budgets  Multiple budget upload, submission, and edit options  Easy download options to access historic budget, finance, and workload data  New features to upload, submit, and edit select monthly and quarterly reports  Scalable to allow for the addition of future functionality






12 Issues to Consider  Certification of Data Provided  Review and Recommendations by Corporation Members  Review and Determination by Legislative Budget Commission  External and Other Audits  Budgeting in the Sunshine

13 Dates to Remember  April 15, 2014 Budget forms and instructions to be released Budget forms and instructions to be released  April and May, 2014 Multiple training sessions Multiple training sessions  June 1, 2014 Clerk budgets due to the CCOC Clerk budgets due to the CCOC  June and July, 2014 CCOC Finance and Budget Committee deliberations and recommendations CCOC Finance and Budget Committee deliberations and recommendations CCOC Executive Council determination of clerks’ Legislative Budget Request (LBR) CCOC Executive Council determination of clerks’ Legislative Budget Request (LBR)  August 1, 2014 CCOC required to submit clerks’ LBR CCOC required to submit clerks’ LBR  October 1, 2014 Legislative Budget Commission (LBC) action Legislative Budget Commission (LBC) action

14 Clerk Budgets Questions? Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 2560-102 Barrington Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-386-2223

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