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Solve each equation. 1. 3b + 8 = –102. –12 = –3x – 9 3. – + 7 = 144. –x – 13 = 35 c4c4 –6 1 –28 –48 Math on the Mind.

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Presentation on theme: "Solve each equation. 1. 3b + 8 = –102. –12 = –3x – 9 3. – + 7 = 144. –x – 13 = 35 c4c4 –6 1 –28 –48 Math on the Mind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solve each equation. 1. 3b + 8 = –102. –12 = –3x – 9 3. – + 7 = 144. –x – 13 = 35 c4c4 –6 1 –28 –48 Math on the Mind

2 Solving Multi- Step Equations Unit 4 Lesson 3 Modified from the presentation at

3 Solve 3a + 6 + a = 90 4a + 6 = 90 – 6 4a = 84 a = 21 44 Combining Like Terms:

4 Using the Distributive Property  To solve algebra equations using the distributive property, we need to distribute (or multiply) the number to each term in the expression.

5 Solve 3(2x + 5) = 3 6x + 15 = 3 -15 -15 6x = –12  6 x = –2

6 Examples: 1) 2) 2(x – 3) = 8 2x – 6 = 8 + 6 + 6 2x =14 x = 7 2 2

7 Examples: 3) 4)

8 simplify distribute Combine like terms Lots of steps! Where should you start?? More Practice:

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