Current State. Key Personnel (COOP Teams) Essential Functions Delegation of Authority Orders of Succession Alternate Facilities Vital Records and Databases.

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Presentation on theme: "Current State. Key Personnel (COOP Teams) Essential Functions Delegation of Authority Orders of Succession Alternate Facilities Vital Records and Databases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current State

2 Key Personnel (COOP Teams) Essential Functions Delegation of Authority Orders of Succession Alternate Facilities Vital Records and Databases Interoperable Communications Testing, Training and Exercises Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan Personnel Issues and Coordination

3 Elements of a Viable COOP Capability Essential functions include all functions:  Explicitly assigned by law or order of the President.  Determined by the agency head to be essential.  That provide vital support to another Federal Executive Branch department or agency.

4 Elements of a Viable COOP Capability Essential Functions are those functions that enable an organization to:  Provide vital services.  Exercise civil authority.  Maintain the safety of the general public.  Sustain the industrial and economic base.

5 Elements of a Viable COOP Capability Essential functions:  Most important planning element  Basis for determining resource requirements:  Staff  Vital information/critical systems  Equipment  Supplies and services  Facilities

6 Mission Essential Functions  Compile all organizational functions  Identify mission essential functions  Roster personnel to complete those functions  Determine required resources and equipment  Assess alternate facility against needs of mission essential functions

7 Elements of a Viable COOP Capability Staff required to support essential functions:  Number  Skills  Experience  Availability  Timing of requirement Staffing

8 COOP Examples from Katrina  Southern U. of New Orleans eliminating 19 academic disciplines  Tulane layoffs of 233 faculty, elimination of 14 doctorial programs and 5 majors, suspension of 8 athletic teams  LSU system predicts 5,000 layoffs from its New Orleans health system  Dillard U. layoffs of 59% of faculty and staff  Xavier U. layoffs of 58% of full-time faculty and 53% of staff Source: Chronicle of Higher Education

9 Mission Essential Functions  Functions that need to be resumed within 30 days  Functions that impact external or internal customers  Functions that would cause delays or impact the services/operations of other Departments  Examples include functions that enable hiring of employees, grant management, are required by regulation/statutes, payroll, etc.

10 Elements of COOP Capability Identifying Essential Functions  Establishes planning parameters  Essential functions - - vital services, civil authority, public safety, sustain industrial/economic base  Carefully review all organizational missions.  Improper identification of essential functions can have negative impact on entire COOP plan  Must also include external partners.  Consideration must be given to department and agency interdependences.

11 Elements of a Viable COOP Capability Identifying/Prioritizing Essential Functions  Agencies must determine functions that must be continued in all circumstances.  Essential functions include those that:  Cannot be interrupted for 12 hours.  Must be resumed within 30 days.

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