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Mexican Cession & the Mexican American War (1846 - 1848) military conquest.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Cession & the Mexican American War (1846 - 1848) military conquest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Cession & the Mexican American War (1846 - 1848) military conquest

2 War in Texas  Mexico = Texas annexation, act of war  No border ever agreed upon (Dispute over Rio Grande)  While patrolling the Rio Grande, American Soldiers killed  Declare war on Mexico

3 New Mexico and California  Polk determined to have California and New Mexico  Areas first colonized by Spain, then became Mexican territories  Both areas fell during Mexican war  Invades Mexico 

4 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo  Mexico gives up Texas and Mexican Cession (Half of ALL its territory)  U.S. pays Mexico and promises to protect Mexicans in Texas  A few years later, Gadsden Purchase (1853) – bought from Mexico to complete sw border for transcontinental RR

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