He put down $ at the window. The woman behind the window gave $4

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Presentation on theme: "He put down $ at the window. The woman behind the window gave $4"— Presentation transcript:

1 He put down $10. 00 at the window. The woman behind the window gave $4
He put down $10.00 at the window. The woman behind the window gave $4.00. The person next to him gave him $3.00, but he gave it back to her. So, when they went inside, she bought him a large bag of popcorn. What is happening here? Discuss at your tables.

2 ____________________
Walk Around Survey Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Informers: Mrs. Fitzpatrick ____________________ Mrs. Wolford Mr. Bill

3 Come up with ideas not explicitly stated by the author
INFERRING merges Author’s clues + Prior Knowledge to Come up with ideas not explicitly stated by the author and includes Predicting Drawing Conclusions (Visualizing) which help you understand characters setting action mood word meaning theme events

4 4th Block Activities Flip Book Moment
We can infer using: Body Language Images Video Text easier harder

5 Texts Flip Book Moment Jokes/Cartoons Bumper Stickers
Simple statements: A student yawns several times When I woke up there were branches and leaves all over the yard. Yesterday we cleaned out our desks and took everything home. Short texts Choose one from table

6 Bumper Stickers Source:

7 Inferring in the Subject Areas
Language Arts – Picture Books

8 Inferring in the Subject Areas
Math– Word Problems

9 Inferring in the Subject Areas
Social Studies – Political Cartoons

10 Inferring in the Subject Areas
Science – Interpreting Data

11 Inferring in the Subject Areas
Encore Examples Art – analyzing artwork Music – mood of music Health - advertisements


13 How Do Students “Show” Inferences?
Coding “I” for Inference for clues Sticky Notes Writing in the Margin Partner/Group/Class Discussion Conference It Says (Clues) I Say (Inferences)

14 Come up with ideas not explicitly stated by the author
INFERRING merges Author’s clues + Prior Knowledge to Come up with ideas not explicitly stated by the author and includes Predicting Drawing Conclusions (Visualizing) which help you understand characters setting action mood word meaning theme events

15 back Source:

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