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Career in technology By Jeff Ellerbeck Jan 16 2oo5.

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Presentation on theme: "Career in technology By Jeff Ellerbeck Jan 16 2oo5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career in technology By Jeff Ellerbeck Jan 16 2oo5

2 What are the primary work tasks ? Electronic engineers have to be able to find the location of a vehicle to grant electoral power. Electronic engineers are responsible for a wide range of technology's also.

3 What are the typical work hours? The typical work hours will depend on your employer.

4 What education is required? – A bachelors degree in engineering is the minimum requirement or a 4-year degree in physical science, computer science, or other technical areas.

5 What salary range can you expect? The salary range depends on the amount of hours you work and your experience but most computer software engineers make $28.30 per hour.

6 What is the forecast for employment? Well from what I’ve read the industry needs to employ more people but there just isn't enough people interested in the job.

7 What skills are needed –Good with computers, electronics, math and just the know how of how things work.

8 What are the Advancements. To advance in this line of work you need to further your education in all aspects of electronics and have many years experience and on-the-job training.

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