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“BISE” process / Forum on Intelligent Energy in Lithuanian Municipalities Kalinka Nakova Coordinator of EcoEnergy Municipal Network EcoEnergy as a Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "“BISE” process / Forum on Intelligent Energy in Lithuanian Municipalities Kalinka Nakova Coordinator of EcoEnergy Municipal Network EcoEnergy as a Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 “BISE” process / Forum on Intelligent Energy in Lithuanian Municipalities Kalinka Nakova Coordinator of EcoEnergy Municipal Network EcoEnergy as a Tool for Strengthening Local Energy Policy Kaunas, 8th June 2005 Bulgarian experience

2 Why is EcoEnergy (Bulgaria) effective ? 1. The network was a bottom-up initiative of 23 municipalities (1997) 2. Activities were based on real needs and common goals regardless political orientations 3. General goals were addressed by local (municipal) actions Member of Energie-Cites

3 1. The network was a bottom-up initiative of 23 municipalities (1997) Member of Energie-Cites

4 1998

5 Member of Energie-Cites 2000

6 Member of Energie-Cites 2001

7 Member of Energie-Cites 2002

8 Member of Energie-Cites 2003

9 Member of Energie-Cites Two stages of development I. Informal association (1997 – 2003) - Lack of governmental support & adequate legal framework - US AID, GEF/UNDP and Energie-cites support - Focus on local capacity building & information exchange - Local energy planning - Project development - Project financing - Demonstrations and horizontal connections

10 Member of Energie-Cites Two stages of development II. Formal association (since 2003) - Specific EE legislation in place - obligatory local energy planning - obligatory building certification - Municipalities acutely need support to face the requirements of the new EE legislation - Governmental AEE acutely needs the network support – pushing to extend EcoEnergy - Focus on capacity building / information exchange / international cooperation - Court registration by initiative of municipalities

11 Member of Energie-Cites 2005

12 Member of Energie-Cites 2. Activities were based on real needs and common goals regardless political orientations

13 Member of Energie-Cites Common goals Reduce the burden of energy expenses on municipal budgets Increase the security of energy supply Improve the quality of energy services Reduce the burden of energy expenses of households budgets

14 3. General goals were addressed by local actions A. Strengthening the legislative reform B. Introducing financing instruments C. Activate investment practices D. Building local capacity Member of Energie-Cites

15 Municipal energy planning was recognized as a national priority 40 pilot municipal energy programs developed before 2004 Manual on local energy planning developed Training and technical assistance for energy planning offered A. Strengthening the legislative reform

16 Energy Efficiency Information System Building of local capacityDevelopment of a MEEP Implementation of the MEEP Decision for EEIS ІІ political decisionІІІ political decisionІ political decision Political Actions Municipal Energy Planning Methodology Member of Energie-Cites Feedback

17 Member of Energie-Cites Municipal Information system A special software was developed and disseminated among the municipalities of EcoEnergy

18 Member of Energie-Cites Municipal energy database Comprehensive energy database developed and maintained for more than 40 municipalities of EcoEnergy

19 B. Introducing financing instruments Energy Efficiency Funds TPF / ESCO financing Leasing for energy efficiency improvements Municipal bonds issuance Guarantee instruments for energy efficiency loans Equity financing for large projects Standard bank loans Granted financing Member of Energie-Cites

20 Example: Bonds for street lighting energy efficiency project in Varna Bonds - documentation prepared with the assistance of the network Enormous success of the project Member of Energie-Cites

21 C. Activate investment practices District heating projects Projects in municipal buildings: - Hospitals - Schools and kindergartens - Office buildings Street lighting projects Renewable energy sources Member of Energie-Cites

22 Attractive payback of municipal projects Type of projectSPB (years) Street lighting projects1.4 – 2.9 Schools1.1 – 2.1 Hospitals2.2 – 3.6 District heating3.7 – 4.1

23 Member of Energie-Cites 40 municipal energy efficiency offices established D. Building local capacity

24 Hundreds of municipal specialists trained Awareness of policy makers raised Member of Energie-Cites

25 From pressure to mayors towards pressure from mayors From request for money to request for knowledge and skills From demonstrations to investments From grants to bank loans and innovative commercial financing Gradual change of focus Member of Energie-Cites

26 Under the auspices of UNECE EE 21 RENEUER REgional Network for Efficient Use of Energy and Water ResourcesMOLDOVA Chisinau

27 Contacts: Municipal Energy Efficienct Network E-mail Tel.: +359 2 963 1714 or 963 0723 Fax: +359 2 963 2574

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