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Altruistic Economics A presentation by Dr. Robin Upton, 2005-11-23, for Dhaka University Computer Science Department. Available for download at

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Presentation on theme: "Altruistic Economics A presentation by Dr. Robin Upton, 2005-11-23, for Dhaka University Computer Science Department. Available for download at"— Presentation transcript:

1 Altruistic Economics A presentation by Dr. Robin Upton, 2005-11-23, for Dhaka University Computer Science Department. Available for download at Attribution – NonCommercial - ShareAlike Beyond Money AE 4 0 4 : Constructing an Internet Gift Economy V1.0

2 2 User Interface Beyond Money 1. ing for someone to help. 2. Paying them without. 3. Finding work the same way. If you need help, imagine…

3 3 Ask Your Friends User Interface Make your request Category:. Amount: Location: Bangladesh. ADVANCED OPTIONS: Dhaka Farmgate Country: City: Region: Number: 2kg. Weight: Requests Angela Robinson, +550h –175h, Rating= 70h I make a lot of fruit pies. Best quality cooking apples, please … Md. Ali Khan, +120h –40h, Rate= 10h I will need about 15kg of apples for my brother’s wedding. He loves apples… !! Graham Upton, +3h –2h, Rate= 20h I just can’t get my Wireless LAN working properly. It keeps cutting out, just … Offers Robin Upton, +160h –45h, Rate= -0.2 Apples, Gardening Advice, Carpentry, German Lessons, Computers… Md. Anwar, +14h –3h, Rate= -0.2 Motorbike repair, Shop Management, Psychology, Apples … Jamil Aman, +60h –15h, Rate= -0.35 Computer programming, Apples, Fresh Olives, Internet Advice, Fertilizers … Science/Agriculture/Horticulture/Fruits/Apples

4 4 Ask Around Request Ask Your friends Can you give me 2kg of Apples? Sure.

5 5 Say “Thank You” Ask Around Request = Ask your friends… to ask their friends... Request to ask their friends... Computers make this much easier… to ask their friends... Request

6 6 Digital Identity State what happened, digitally. Say “Thank You!” Publish Online Publish Online “I gave. 10 apples.” “ gave me $5 worth of apples.”

7 7 New Architecture Digital Identity Publish Online Publish Online “I gave. 10 apples.” “ gave me $5 worth of apples.” 1. People need personal servers. 2. They must be networked.

8 8 New Architecture Links are from Friend to Friend Individuals are connected to one another… but it’s not P2P !

9 9 Links are from Friend to Friend. F2F Server Network F2F is superior to P2P, because of the real world trust!

10 10 FF: Friend2Friend Server Network FF: Network Topology …the secure communication layer for the Internet Gift Economy.

11 11 FF : Network Topology FF: Traditional Cookies Connections Server-Server Client-Server FF: Servers have One client, Many friends.

12 12 FF : 24/7 Online Data Server Can you store data for me! Only share it with Can I see all your data from 3 rd party sites, please? Sites can share data securely (if you let them). FF: Traditional Cookies OK. OK.

13 13 Client Machine Traditional Cookies … All you have is a set of site-specific cookies (ID#s which mean nothing to you) Every users’ data Every users’ data Other websites control your data  … FF: Control Your Own Data Enter your data Cookie

14 14 Client Machine FF : Control Your Own Data Sites prove their identity to you, not you to them! Public Key Private Key Public Key Private Key Unique copy of your personal data FF: Implementation

15 15 FF : Implementation Internet Gift Economy Create(name) CopyItem(oldname, newname) ChangeData(name) Delete(name) Rename(oldname, newname) GetData(name) GetMetaData(name) AddData(name) AddMetaData(name) … Add to a webserver by installing a PHP Function Library and MySQL Database. FF manipulates data items, and manage permissions.

16 16 FF : Friend2Friend Internet Gift Economy. Altruistic Economics … : Various Dark Nets AE : Altruistic Economics NE : Nearest Info GE : Gift Economy Internet Main project stack: Moving Data Defining Data Processing Data Presenting Data

17 17 AE: Altruistic Economics. AE: Distributed Accounting Declare Sympathy for your friends. They declare sympathy theirs, and so on… Unselfish alternative to self-maximising! * almost Everyone * is joined in a network of care.

18 18 AE: Distributed Accounting AE: Measuring Value AE analyses the overall ties of Sympathy : Conflation:A B C A C Combination:A C A C Records are held across the network.

19 19 AE: Measuring Value AE: Non-Zero Sum ! Use other people’s standards: Flexible and decentralised system. Personal Time Conventional Money & use your own currency:

20 20 AE: Non Zero Sum ! NE: Nearest.Info Multi-dimensional evaluations, not prices!    Good for Both Bad for Both + + - - X+Y=0 Zero Sum

21 21 NE : Nearest.Info NE/GE: Open Standards Present hooks for the presentation layer. Useful Calculations : Data for GE AE Data from FF Amount Given ( ) Amount Received ( ) Creditworthiness ( )... Process the AE data…

22 22 NE/GE : Open Standards… GE: Web Style Interface Multiple opportunities for interoperability Unique Data Standard Choice of Alternative Pre-processing Hyperlinks... Other AE Data Nearest Info... Others will arise … Choice of Presentation GiftEconomy... Others will arise …

23 23 GE : Decentrlised Web Interface GiftEconomy XSL Transformations (Locally stored) Data from NE Like software, unlike WWW, a one-off download permits perpetual use! Webpages (Locally created from local data)

24 24 GE : www.Gift 1. Explanation of the Gift Economy Wiki. Downloads etc. … 2. Chance to set up GE/NE/AE/FF Easy Installer Package: NE Evaluations AE Definitions FF Server GE Interface

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