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The Endocrine System -the 2 nd in control-. The Endocrine System Composed of several ductless glands –Pituitary (anterior & posterior) –Thyroid –Adrenal/

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Presentation on theme: "The Endocrine System -the 2 nd in control-. The Endocrine System Composed of several ductless glands –Pituitary (anterior & posterior) –Thyroid –Adrenal/"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Endocrine System -the 2 nd in control-

2 The Endocrine System Composed of several ductless glands –Pituitary (anterior & posterior) –Thyroid –Adrenal/ Supraranal –Pineal –Thymus –ALONG w/ the Pancreas, Placenta & Gonads

3 endo= within & crine=to secrete Made of glands Secrete hormone directly into bloodstream (ductless glands) Specialized epithelial tissue >12.5g Endocrine

4 Hormones (hormon = excite) –Chemical messengers released into the blood & lymph for transport around the body –Long lasting effect –Effect target cells or organs

5 Hormone Function reproduction growth & development mobilization of body defenses cellular metabolism & homeostasis

6 6 Mechanisms of hormone release (a) Humoral: in response to changing levels of ions or nutrients in the blood (b) Neural: stimulation by nerves (c) Hormonal: stimulation received from other hormones

7 Hormone Control Negative Feedback 1.Blood level of hormone falls 2.Brain gets message & sends out hormone to stimulate gland 3.Gland secretes hormone 4.When blood level of hormone increases, then brain hormone stops

8 Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary Thyrotropin ACTH Somatotropin LH FSH Prolactin Vasopressin Oxytocin Thyroid Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Medulla PancreasOvary Testis Muscles liver Tissues Liver, muscles Estradiol Testosterone Insulin, glucagon, somatostatin T3 Cortisol aldosterone Mammary glands Reproductive organs Epinephrine Releasing hormones Nervous


10 Pituitary Gland

11 Anterior Pituitary I Growth Hormone stimulates body to grow & burn carbohydrates (sugars) & fat Dwarfism hyposecretion Gigantism hypersecretion

12 Anterior Pituitary II Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone increases amount of pigmentation in skin Prolactin stimulates milk production and maintains it Adrenocorticotropic Hormone controls the secretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex Thyroid Stimulating Hormone controls the release of hormones from the thyroid gland

13 Anterior Pituitary III Follicle-Stimulating Hormone stimulates development of ova and estrogen production in ovaries; stimulates sperm production Lutenizing Hormone stimulates ovulation and prepares uterus for possible implantation of fertilized ovum; stimulates the production of testosterone

14 Posterior Pituitary Oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterus & of the cells surrounding the mammary glands Antidiuretic hormone regulates fluid balance by reabsorbing water in the kidneys; also helps to regulate blood pressure

15 Thyroid Gland Thyroxine & Triiodothyronine stimulates metabolism; promotes protein synthesis, glucose uptake and lipid metabolism; is regulated by TSH Calcitonin reduces Ca and P levels in blood;

16 Thyroid Disorders Cretinism Hyposecretion (children) Myxedema Hyposecretion (adults) Graves’ Disease hypersecretion Goiter

17 Adrenal or Suprarenal Glands (adrenal cortex)- glands on top of kidneys Aldosterone maintains fluid balance by conserving Na and excretion of K; cause water retention and increased blood pressure Cortisol promotes glucogenesis in liver; inhibits allergic response and reduces inflammation Androgens and Estrogens sex hormones

18 Adrenal or Suprarenal Glands (adrenal cortex) disorders Cushion’s Disease Androgenital syndrome

19 Adrenal or Suprarenal Glands (Adrenal Medulla) epinephrine & norepinephrine copy effects of the sympathetic nervous system

20 Pancreas Glucagon stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose Insulin stimulates conversion of glucose to glycogen; stimulates uptake of glucose by muscle and nerve cells Diabetes Mellitus –Hypo/hyper secretion of insulin

21 Pineal Gland Melatonin regulates diurnal biorhythms; highest at night

22 Thymus Gland Thymosin stimulates the production of T-cells

23 Gonads Ovaries - Estrogens stimulates development of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics Testes -Testosterone stimulates development of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics

24 Placenta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin stimulates production of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy Human Placental Lactogen prepare breasts for milk production Relaxin loosens mother's pelvic ligaments and pubic symphysis


26 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 20 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS GIGANTISM: Hyperactive pituitary in preadolescence Overgrowth of long bones

27 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 20 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS ACROMEGALY: Hyperactive pituitary in adulthood Over development of bones in face, hands, feet

28 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 20 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Dwarfism: Hypoactive pituitary in childhood

29 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 22 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS GOITER Thyroid hyper secretion Enlarged thyroid gland due to iodine insufficiency

30 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 2 1 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS CRETINISM Results from thyroid hormone insufficiency in infancy

31 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 22 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Grave’s Disease/Exophthalmos Hyperactive thyroid Bulging eyes

32 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 22 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Hypothyroidism Hypoactive thyroid

33 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 23 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS CUSHING’S SYNDROME hypersecretion of adrenal cortex Adipose tissue accumulates in cheeks & base of neck

34 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 23 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Diabetes hyposecretion of insulin Untreated = hyperglycemia (too much sugar in blood) Overtreated = hypoglycemia (too little sugar in blood)

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