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Back to words. Back to the real.. energetic (adj) operating with vigor; marked by zeal or energy Some mornings, it can be difficult to deal with energetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to words. Back to the real.. energetic (adj) operating with vigor; marked by zeal or energy Some mornings, it can be difficult to deal with energetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to words. Back to the real.

2 energetic (adj) operating with vigor; marked by zeal or energy Some mornings, it can be difficult to deal with energetic people. When you are busy being tired and waking up, they are bouncing around the room or telling you all sorts of things you don't care about. You care about your pillow. Does it miss you? Because you sure miss it.

3 curmudgeon (n) cranky person; a grump Of course, if your negative mood carries on beyond your waking-up period, you might be called a curmudgeon – especially if you are grumpy every day. Having a bad day or a bad week is one thing, but a regularly cranky person... well that's something else.

4 imbecile (n) A stupid person I'm not certain which is worse, a curmudgeon, who is grumpy about everything, or an imbecile, who is so daft, they make walking look like a challenge.

5 cataclysm (n) a violent upheaval; a catastrophe Of course, even though you may not wish to be around curmudgeons or imbeciles or energetic morning people, you don't want a cataclysm to befall them or their city. No person deserves to be hit by a tsunami or an earthquake or any sort of catastrophe like that.

6 lambaste (v) To criticize severely; to attack verbally In fact, if you do want a cataclysm to befall those people, then I feel the need to lambaste you. Indeed. You would deserve a severe yelling at. Just because you don't like someone is no reason to wish serious harm on them. You're mean.

7 Anglophile (n) one who admires England or things English Sorry to change the subject, but I need to complain about my friend. She's an anglophile; she's always singing 'God Save the Queen' and quoting Monty Python and drinking tea. Girl has never even been to England. Why is she so in love with it? Doesn't she know it's a silly place?

8 yearn (v) to desire; to long for She does yearn to travel to England. It's her fondest wish. The problem is money.

9 benevolent (adj) generous; disposed to doing good Traveling overseas is expensive. I'm not just talking about the cost of a ticket. Hotels and food are quite costly. You'd need a benevolent sort of parent to just send you on a vacation to old Europe. You would need to be all kinds of generous to send someone to that place.

10 proponent (n) one who argues in favor of something; an advocate With that having been said, I am a major proponent of traveling abroad. Going overseas (especially to study for an extended time) is a perfect way to appreciate differences that exist between cultures and to appreciate your own culture better. Study abroad!

11 stagnant (adj) Still; motionless; stale; not advancing or developing If you cannot study abroad, it is still important that you do not remain stagnant. You must always advance, grow, and develop. If you stop doing that, you suck.

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