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 pd  n, ωn, K +  -, K 0  reactions at PANDA facility Yu. Rogov, First seminar of FRRC Fellows FAIR – Russia Research Center, Moscow June, 9 - 10,

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Presentation on theme: " pd  n, ωn, K +  -, K 0  reactions at PANDA facility Yu. Rogov, First seminar of FRRC Fellows FAIR – Russia Research Center, Moscow June, 9 - 10,"— Presentation transcript:

1  pd  n, ωn, K +  -, K 0  reactions at PANDA facility Yu. Rogov, First seminar of FRRC Fellows FAIR – Russia Research Center, Moscow June, 9 - 10, 2009

2 OZI rule *  NN→φπ is forbidden,  NN→ωπ is allowed φ production is possible only via mixing, because φ and ω are mixture of ω 0 and ω 8 :  = cos   8 - sin   0  = sin   8 + cos   0 *Okubo S. // Phys. Rev. 1977. V.16. P.2336

3 OZI rule Introducing ideal mixing angle Θ i, cosΘ i =(2/3) 1/2, sinΘ i =(1/3) 1/2, Θ i =35.5° Θ(m φ,m ω,m ω8 ), m ω8 =m(K *,ρ), Θ=39° If Z=0, then R(φ/ω)=tan 2 (Θ-Θ i )f = 4.2·10 -3

4 OZI rule Okubo: production of s  s states in the non-strange hadrons interactions is forbidden  - production in p  p (pp) interaction is possible either due to admixture of light quarks in the  wave function or due to strange quarks admixture in the nucleon.  =  -  i =3.7 0

5 OZI rule predicitions Universal, does not depend on energy or other properties of the initial state. Depends on the masses of the meson in the nonet

6 Comparison with experiment R(  /  )=tg 2 (  -  I )=4.2 10 -3 Weighted average of all experimental data N R(  /  )=(3.30  0.34)10 -3 NN R(  /  )=(12.78  0.34)10 -3 NN R(  /  )=(14.55  1.92)10 -3

7 The OZI rule is always correct, its violation is only apparent Violation indicates on non-trivial physics: Strange degrees of freedom in the nucleon Role of gluon degrees of freedom

8 About hydrogen target Proton annihilation at rest Slow antiproton capture on an orbit of ppbar atom with large principal quantum number n~30. Low pressure gas (~mbar): cascade to lower level, annihilation from P levels with n=2 Liquid H: Stark mixing between various angular momentum states, annihilation from large n and L=0, i.e. S states.

9  Crystal Barrel, 1995, LQ hydrogen target  p + p →  +   p + p →  +  R(  ) = (294  97)  10 -3 R(  ) OZI = 4.2  10 -3 L=0, S=0  1 S 0 spin singlet

10  OBELIX, 1995, LQ, NTP, 5 mb  p + p →  +   p + p →  +  R(  ) = (114  10)  10 -3 R(  ) OZI = 4.2  10 -3 L=0, S=1  3 S 1 spin triplet

11  Different situation for annihilation from S- and P-waves R(  ) = (120  12)  10 -3  3 S 1 R(  ) < 7.2  10 -3  1 P 1 spin triplet – enhanced spin singlet – suppressed

12 f 2 ’(1525)  / f 2 (1270)  Tensor mesons: L=1, S=1, J=2 f 2 (1270)  normal q  q f 2 ’ (1525)  s  s R(f 2 ’  f 2 ) = (47  14)  10 -3  3 S 1 R(f 2 ’  f 2 ) = (149  20)  10 -3  1 P 1 spin triplet – suppressed spin singlet – enhanced

13  OBELIX, 1995, NTP, 5 mb  p + p →  +  + +  -  p + p →  +  + +  - For all events: R(  ) = (5-6)  10 -3 R(  ) OZI = 4.2  10 -3 For events with M  =300-500 MeV R(  ) = (16-30)  10 -3

14  n  n OBELIX, Crystal Barrel  p + d →  + n  p + d →  + n B.Pontecorvo, 1956 One-meson annihilation R(  ) = (156  29)  10 - 3 R(  ) OZI = 4.2  10 -3

15  /  p pp ss s s ss If it were a normal quark reaction  (  ) exp ~ 4  b why is it so large?  (  ) was not measured

16 At LEAR experiemts Strong violation of the OZI rule was found in  pp   pp ,  pp  ( 3 S 1 )  pd  n Does it depend on –spin –orbital angular momentum –momentum transfer –isospin?

17  pp    at PANDA Luminosity of HESR – L =2  10 32 cm -2 s -1 Cross section  = 4  b at 1.4 GeV/c BR of charged mode  =0.25 Registration efficiency  = 0.01 N = L    = 2  10 32  4  10 -30  0.25  0.01 = 2 s -1 Best world statistics – 1.5 hours  pp    (K * K *,  ) must be measured

18 Pontecorvo reactions Largest momentum transfer: q 2 =-0.782 GeV 2 /c 2 in  pd  n, compared to q 2 =-0.360 GeV 2 /c 2 in  pp  0 Interesting physics * : two-step model  pp  0,  n  n R(  ) = (156  29)  10 -3 R th (  ) = (92  27)  10 -3 R(  ) decreases with energy *Kondratyuk L.A., Sapozhnikov M.G., Phys.Lett., 1989, B220, 333. *Kondratyuk L.A. et al., Yad.Fiz., 1998, 61, 1670.

19 Pontecorvo reactions Reactions  p + d  +K 0,  0 +K 0 R=Y(  K)/Y(  K) = 0.92  0.15 two-step model R=0.012 because σ(KN  X) > σ(KN   X) Is two-step model correct?

20 Pontecorvo reactions at PANDA Energy region never measured before High statistics expected Noone really knows why OZI rule is violated in such selective manner Assuming that OZI rule is precisely correct, we have a hint to non-trivial physics

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