Klein Associates, Inc. “Beyond Safety of Navigation” Workshop – July 26-30, 2004 L-3 Communications Klein Associates, Inc. A Powerful New Name in Seafloor.

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Presentation on theme: "Klein Associates, Inc. “Beyond Safety of Navigation” Workshop – July 26-30, 2004 L-3 Communications Klein Associates, Inc. A Powerful New Name in Seafloor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Klein Associates, Inc. “Beyond Safety of Navigation” Workshop – July 26-30, 2004 L-3 Communications Klein Associates, Inc. A Powerful New Name in Seafloor Imaging & Mapping Steve Withrow Director of Multibeam Products

2 Klein Associates, Inc. L-3 Communications Overview Corporate FocusCorporate Focus -Communications, Training/Simulation, Aviation, Specialized Products -$5 Billion in Annual Sales; 56 Companies CustomersCustomers -Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Selected US Government Intelligence Agencies

3 Klein Associates, Inc. L-3 Communications Ocean Systems Division (OSD) Naval ASW and Mine Warfare acoustic systems for helicopter, surface ship, submarine and diver deploymentNaval ASW and Mine Warfare acoustic systems for helicopter, surface ship, submarine and diver deployment Commercial ocean survey systems for shallow, mid and deep-water applicationsCommercial ocean survey systems for shallow, mid and deep-water applications Radar and sonar systems to support Port & Harbor and Maritime Security missionsRadar and sonar systems to support Port & Harbor and Maritime Security missions

4 Klein Associates, Inc. L-3 OSD Organization L-3 Ocean Systems Division (OSD) Sylmar, CA Naval Airborne & Seaborne Systems - Sylmar, CA - Helicopter Dipping Sonars - Towed Array ASW Sonars - Expendable Mine Destructors - Ship Hull Sonar – “Tsunami” Naval Shipboard Systems for ASW, Mine Hunting and Diver Location ELAC-Nautik – Kiel, Germany - Surface Ship ASW & Mine Hunting Sonar Submarine ASW Sonars Underwater Communications Diver Location Sonars Naval Transducers Commercial Ocean Survey and Port & Harbor Security Klein Associates, Inc. - Salem, NH - Hydrographic Multibeam Sonars - Bathymetric Multibeam Sonars - Navigation & IMO Echo-sounders - Sidescan Seafloor Imaging Systems - Harbor-Guard Port Security Systems

5 Klein Associates, Inc. L-3 Klein Associates Commercial Ocean Survey Products SEA BEAM 1180 (180kHz – up to 600m)SEA BEAM 1180 (180kHz – up to 600m) SEA BEAM 1050 (50kHz – up to 3,000m)SEA BEAM 1050 (50kHz – up to 3,000m) SEA BEAM 1050D (180 & 50kHz)SEA BEAM 1050D (180 & 50kHz) SEA BEAM 2100 (12,20 & 36 kHz – to full ocean depth )SEA BEAM 2100 (12,20 & 36 kHz – to full ocean depth ) SEA BEAM 3000 (12 – 50kHz – to full ocean depth)SEA BEAM 3000 (12 – 50kHz – to full ocean depth) HYDROSTAR Echo-sounders (Survey, Navigation & IMO)HYDROSTAR Echo-sounders (Survey, Navigation & IMO) KLEIN 5000 Multi-beam Focused Sidescan SystemsKLEIN 5000 Multi-beam Focused Sidescan Systems KLEIN 3000 Dual-Frequency Sidescan SystemsKLEIN 3000 Dual-Frequency Sidescan Systems

6 Klein Associates, Inc. New Organizational Focus L-3 Klein to transition SB3000 deep-water multibeam technology from ELACL-3 Klein to transition SB3000 deep-water multibeam technology from ELAC New HF shallow-water multibeam system to be jointly developed by ELAC and KleinNew HF shallow-water multibeam system to be jointly developed by ELAC and Klein New concept for high-speed towed sidescan with integrated multibeam “gap-filler” to be explored by KleinNew concept for high-speed towed sidescan with integrated multibeam “gap-filler” to be explored by Klein Most data management, display and post- processing products to be outsourcedMost data management, display and post- processing products to be outsourced

7 Klein Associates, Inc. Multibeam Market Drivers Cost (Acquisition, Operation & Life cycle)Cost (Acquisition, Operation & Life cycle) Data Quality (Coverage, Precision & Resolution)Data Quality (Coverage, Precision & Resolution) Data Confidence (Accurate Seafloor Analysis)Data Confidence (Accurate Seafloor Analysis) Ease of Use (Calibration, QC, Flagging, etc.)Ease of Use (Calibration, QC, Flagging, etc.) Maintainability (Training, MTBF & MTTR)Maintainability (Training, MTBF & MTTR) Availability of Service & Support (Local & Factory)Availability of Service & Support (Local & Factory) Reputation & Installed BaseReputation & Installed Base

8 Klein Associates, Inc. Key Questions Key Questions How will data be collected?How will data be collected? -Vessel configuration, environmental conditions, speed of survey Who will collect the data?Who will collect the data? - Skill level and responsibility of operator, stability of crew, etc. How will the data be processed?How will the data be processed? - What tools will be used, who will process? How will the data be used?How will the data be used? - Navigation, marine fisheries, object location, morphology, other? How many will share the data?How many will share the data? - Is data for one user – or multiple users (national or international)?

9 Klein Associates, Inc. Contact Information Steve Withrow Director of Multibeam Products L-3 Communications Klein Associates, Inc. 11 Klein Drive Salem, NH 03079 Tel: +1 (603) 893-6131 Fax: +1 (603) 893-8807 E-mail: steve.withrow@L-3com.com steve.withrow@L-3com.com WebSite: www.L-3Klein.com www.L-3Klein.com

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