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How are they smart? Multiple Intelligences and the Religious Education Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "How are they smart? Multiple Intelligences and the Religious Education Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 How are they smart? Multiple Intelligences and the Religious Education Classroom

2 Ask yourself: How did you learn the alphabet? How did you learn to drive? Can you describe a spiral staircase? Say a few things about winter. Hold your breath for one minute without looking at a watch or clock. Recite one verse of a poem.

3 What is this all about? Gardner’s theory: Frames of Mind, 1983 Definition of Intelligence The Great 8 Figuring it out Using what we know

4 Gardner’s theory: All persons possess the capability of learning and knowing in one or several of eight modes.

5 Definitions of Intelligence Capability of being encoded in symbols Cultural value(or NOT) Set of developmental trajectories Own set of brain structures independent of others Existence of savants

6 The Eight Intelligences Linguistic Mathematical/logical Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Spatial Naturalist

7 Linguistic Ability to think in words: –Preference for reading –Word games –Puns –Thinking in words –Writing prayers, reading stories, scripture

8 Mathematical Ability to quantify –Prefer to think in numbers, measures –Prefer order, sequence –Need logic –Like to compare –Order of the Mass, numbers in Scripture

9 Musical Ability to associate with music, rhythm –Like to listen to music –Prefer rhythm, rhyme –Remember when asso- ciated with melody

10 Bodily-Kinesthetic Ability to make meaning out of motion –Prefer to act out ideas –Need to move to learn –Prefer active learning –Postures of prayer, the Mass, liturgical movement

11 Interpersonal Ability to relate –Prefer to talk out ideas –Prefer cooperative learning –Need to relate learning –Shared prayer, Bible discussion, planning prayer services

12 Intrapersonal Ability to consult oneself –Prefer working alone –Like to imagine –Like to journal, do introspective writing –Personal, quiet prayer, retreats, prayer journals

13 Spatial Ability to illustrate –Prefer looking at pictures, maps, graphs –Like to doodle –Prefer drawing to writing –Iconongraphy, artistic prayer, study of sacred art, architecture

14 Naturalist Loves the outdoors –Prefers working with nature –Likes to work with animals, plants –Sensitive to climate/weather –Setting up environment for prayer, outdoor prayer

15 What Intelligence(s) appeal to you? How do you like to learn? How do you like to spend your free time? How do you teach? How do you pray?

16 Teaching with MI How can I match MI with students? What learning activities can I use to appeal to MI learning? How can I assess with MI? What strategies can I use to manage the classroom with MI?

17 Finally: Remember: if the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.

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