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The Functionalist Protest

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2 The Functionalist Protest
Functionalists’ Goal: Determine how the organism uses the mind to adapt to the environment First uniquely American system of psychology Deliberate protest against Wundt's and Titchener's systems Interest in applying psychology to real world

3 The Evolution Revolution: Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859):one of the most influential books in the world Form and substance of American psychology shaped by Darwin’s ideas

4 An Ode to Evolution Organic life beneath the shoreless waves Was born and nurs'd in ocean's pearly caves; First forms minute, unseen by spheric glass, Move on the mud, or pierce the watery mass; These, as successive generations bloom, New powers acquire and larger limbs assume; Whence countless groups of vegetation spring, And breathing realms of fin and feet and wing. Erasmus Darwin. The Temple of Nature

5 Other Predecessors Vestiges of Creation (1844) by Anonymous
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1809): Active Modification Through efforts to adapt to environment Inherited by succeeding generations Vestiges of Creation (1844) by Anonymous

6 Other Predecessors Darwin Read Thomas Malthus, Essay on the Principle of Population (1789) Food supply increases linearly Human population increases exponetially Result: Starvation is an inevitable part of a cycle Only the most aggressive, intelligent and flexible will survive Social welfare is bad for the Britain

7 Thomas Malthus ( )

8 Setting the Stage – 19th century Britain
Zeitgeist Receptive intellectual climate Social evolution due to industrial revolution Growing dominance of science – it was working!

9 The World Comes to Europe

10 The World comes to Europe
Fossils and bones of extinct species found

11 HMS Beagle: Captain Fitzroy was looking for a creationist! Darwin makes Geological and Zoological observations that challenge Biblical notions.

12 Galapagos Finches Peter and Rosemary Grant: visited islands in 1973 to observe modifications in several generations of 13 finch species – Changes occur faster than Darwin predicted!

13 Darwin Finally Goes Public
Worked on his theory of evolution for 22 years A. R. Wallace (1858) wrote Darwin about a theory of evolution that he developed in 3 days! Ethical dilemma for Darwin Darwin overwhelmed with new physical illness

14 Spontaneous variability among members of a species is inheritable – He described genes and mutations without the benefit of biochemistry! Natural selection: process that leads to survival of organisms which adapt to the environment; Elimination of those which do not

15 Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) and the Evolution Controversy
Striving biologist; Leader among England's scientists Champion of Darwin’s theory 1860: Debate on theory of evolution at Oxford: Huxley versus bishop Samuel Wilberforce who defended the Bible and Robert Fitzroy, captain of HMS Beagle

16 Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) and the Evolution Controversy
1865 Fitzroy Commits suicide Wilberforce dies 1925: Scopes Monkey Trial 1987: Louisiana “Equal Time” case 1999: Kansas State BOE 2004: Dover, PA

17 The Genie is out of the Bottle
The white supremacy movement Social and Economic Darwinism

18 The Genie is out of the Bottle
Darwin’s other work 1871: The Descent of Man Emphasized similarity between animal and human processes 1872: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals 1877: A Biographical Sketch of an Infant

19 The Evolution of Machines
Samuel Butler ( ) Machines would become self-acting Capable of simulating human intelligence Humans become dependent on machines Suggested machines would become superior

20 Darwin and Psychology Subject matter of psychology goes from elements to functions of consciousness Continuity in mental functioning between humans and lower animals/humans and ancestors Studying animal behavior can help us understand human behavior How does the brain function and adapt? Methods were broadened in scope Increased focus on individual differences and their measurement – no trait is accidental!!

21 Individual Differences: Francis Galton (1822-1911)
Darwin emphasized differences within species – including humans! Had been examined by Weber, Fechner, Helmhotz but ultimately considered inappropriate by the early German schools Galton – Darwin’s cousin mixed evolution with statistics

22 Galton’s Work Mental Inheritance Hereditary Genius (1869)
Eminent men have eminent sons Specific forms of genius inherited Founded eugenics: improve inherited human traits through artificial selection Applied statistical concepts to heredity problems Eminence not a function of opportunity

23 Francis Galton ( ) “I have no patience with the hypothesis occasionally expressed, and often implied, especially in tales written to teach children to be good, that babies are born pretty much alike, and that the sole agencies in creating differences between boy and boy, and man and man, are steady application and moral effort.”

24 Galton’s Work 1874: English Men of Science 1889: Natural Inheritance
Established eugenics laboratory at university college, London 1904: founded organization for promoting racial improvement Clearly opposed the British Empirical movement of the 17th century

25 Statistical Methods and “Differential Psychology”
Galton assumed statistical techniques of Biology could be applied to mental characteristics. In doing so, developed: Mean and standard deviation Correlation Measures His student, Pearson, developed product-moment coefficient of correlation Pearson’s r: for Galton’s discovery of regression toward the mean


27 Why Galton? Mental Tests (coined by J.M. Cattell)
Intelligence and sensory capacities

28 Galton’s Passtimes “Arithmetic by Smell” and other topics
Self-induced paranoia Validity of religious beliefs Power of prayer Yawns and coughs as a measure of boredom Arithmetic by Smell

29 Animal Psychology and the development of Functionalism
Before Darwin: animals were automata With Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals… Continuity between humans and animals Search for evidence of intelligence in animals Human emotional behavior: inheritance of behavior that was (or still is) useful

30 Seeing what you want to see
Ernst Haeckel (1866) “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny” The statement influenced many developmental psychologists

31 Studies of Animal Intelligence
George John Romanes ( ) British physiologist Formalized and systematized study of animal intelligence Animal Intelligence (1883) Early comparative psychology Washburn’s The Animal Mind (1908) Theory based on anecdote

32 Conway Lloyd Morgan (1852-1936)
Proposed a Law of Parsimony: “Behavior must not be attributed to a higher mental process when it can be explained in terms of lower mental processes” Lloyd Morgan’s Canon (1894) Goal: give comparative psychology a more scientific basis Believed most animal behavior due to learning based on sensory experience First to conduct large-scale experimental studies in animal psychology

33 Foundations of Functionalism
Darwin’s Legacy for Psychology Regard each anatomical structure, including the brain, as a utilitarian element in a total living adaptive system Indirect Legacy Galton and measurement Comparative Psychology Lloyd Morgan inspires Behaviorism

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