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New Year’s Resolutions 1 Thessalonians. Don’t we all struggle at times with wanting to be less like ourselves? At the heart of the gospel of grace is.

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Presentation on theme: "New Year’s Resolutions 1 Thessalonians. Don’t we all struggle at times with wanting to be less like ourselves? At the heart of the gospel of grace is."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Year’s Resolutions 1 Thessalonians

2 Don’t we all struggle at times with wanting to be less like ourselves? At the heart of the gospel of grace is the message, “In Christ you’re a new creature, the old things have passed away and the new things have come.” “SO WHY AM I NOT CHANGING THE WAY I WANT TO?”

3 We must understand the Christian motivation for being resolute, for striving, for fighting the fight of faith. It isn’t a performance to earn or gain something. The Christian doesn’t strive “for” life, but “from” life.

4 Chap 1 – Eternal Perspective (v. 9-10) BY THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I RESOLVE to live in such a way that my manner of living would reflect an eternal perspective. LIFE LOOKS DIFFERENT WHEN VIEWED FROM ETERNITY If others were to follow you around for 3 weeks what would they say you are waiting for in life?

5 1 Thess 2 – Receiving the Word of God (v. 13) BY THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I RESOLVE TO RECEIVE THE BIBLE AS ‘THE WORD OF GOD’ Ps 119:36; 38 “Incline my heart to your Word; Establish Thy word to Thy servant as that which produces reverence for Thee”

6 1 Thess 3 – GOD CENTERED PRAYER (3:10-13) BY THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I RESOLVE TO PRAY REGULARLY FOR FELLOW BELIEVERS. “Lord give them an abundant supply of the Spirit of Jesus, That they may be prepared for every duty, Love You in all their mercies, Submit to You in every trial, trust You when walking in darkness, Have peace in You amidst life’s changes.” –Valley of Vision

7 What would it look like if Highlands became a community of those who Walk by faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit so that your hearts will be in line with God, His Word and His grace, individually and corporately? “Your Savior endured the rejection you and I should have received so that even in our failure, we will never see God turn and walk away from us.” Paul Tripp, Sex and Money

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