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Genetics and Crop Improvement Varietals Selection of CIP germplasm in Bangladesh August, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics and Crop Improvement Varietals Selection of CIP germplasm in Bangladesh August, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics and Crop Improvement Varietals Selection of CIP germplasm in Bangladesh August, 2013

2 Introduction This experiment is based in 2 statistical designs:  RCBD  Observation plot Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Experimental brief:  15 CIP clone & 2 CV  Year: 2011-12

3 Introduction.. Locality Dinajpur Locality Debigonj Plot I Plot II Plot III Rep. I Rep. II Rep. III Plot I Plot II Plot III Rep. I Rep. II Rep. III

4 Objetives The following objectives are sought with this design:  To gather the opinion of the parties involved in the selection of possible new varieties.  To characterize the preferences that exist in the different regions.  To validate a methodology in order to be able to systematically compare results between sites and different years.

5 Advantages Some advantages are:  Ensure that the varieties meet the needs of the breeders and stakeholders.  Early acceptance of varieties.  Early access to greater genetic diversity in breeding materials.  Increased ability to manipulate resources in different environments and seasons.

6 . 1. Vegetative development: Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria 2. Harvest: Evaluation tuber yield Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria Organoleptic evaluation 3. Post-harvest: Sprouting & weight loss Identification selection criteria Ranking selection criteria Main exercises / measurements during the selection cycle

7 Vegetative Stage of Evaluation Harvest Post-Harvest Main exercises / measurements during the selection cycle

8 Phases This table shows the phases, components, and methods PhaseComponentMethod Trial, materials and site information Minimal - basic dataList Trial information, management and evaluation data List Management calendarList Soil analysis (#)Soil analysis Climate data (#)Weather station List of materialsList Flowering (vegetative development) Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of preferred clones by plotRanking Harvest Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of preferred clones by plotRanking Standard evaluation of yieldDirect observation by counting and weighing Post-Harvest Organoleptic EvaluationBy panel (women / men) Standard EvaluationDirect Observation Gathering and ranking of selection criteriaGroup Identification & ranking Ranking of the preferred clonesRanking # = optional

9 . Dinajpur Debigonj Evaluation at vegetative stage


11 Dinajpur Debigonj 1 st :Early Bulking: 73 2 nd :Late Blight resistant: 62 3 rd : Strong stem: 50 1st :Early Bulking: 94 2nd :Late Blight resistant: 64 3rd : Minimum use of fertilizer: 47..

12 Cone/Variety RCBD Trial Score Men (corn) RCBD Trial Score Women (beans) Observation plot Score Men (corn) Observation plot Score Women (beans) Global Score Order of ranking CIP- 111110150 26 III CIP-11261067 29 II CIP- 1170000 0 XIII CIP-1182000 2 XII CIP-1202070 9 IX CIP- 12613 1211 49 I CIP- 13120110 13 VIII CIP- 1394023 9 IX LB-15031 9 IX LB-26120 9 IX LB-121100 2 XII LB-1440123 19 V CIP- 22001 3 XI CIP-104000 4 X CIP-149261 18 VI Cardinal (CV)7151 14 VII Diamant (CV)12292 25 IV Total90309030240- Clonal selection at Debigonj

13 Clone/Variety RCBD Trial Score Men (corn) RCBD Trial Score Women (beans) Observation plot Score Men (corn) Observation plot Score Women (beans) Global Score Order of ranking CIP- 111 12014026III CIP-112 50218IX CIP- 117 00000XIV CIP-118 30104XI CIP- 126 200 242I CIP-120 209011VIII CIP- 131 3020023IV CIP- 139 40307X LB-1 40307X LB-2 1224018VI LB-12 20002XIII LB-14 4014018VI CIP- 2 30003XII CIP-10 30003XII CIP-14 1316121V Cardinal (CV) 605112VII Diamant (CV) 18313135II Total 1146 6240- Clonal selection at Dinajpur

14 Debigonj Dinajpur Evaluation at Harvest stage Gathering and Ranking of Criteria” (time of harvest)

15 Criteria Men (n=32) Order if Importance Women (n=28) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Good yield89I45I134I Good storage42II25II67II Good taste20III30III50III Red color15IV22V37V Early variety12V37IV49IV Good Shape7VI2VII9 Medium size4VII6VI10VI Disease resistant3VIII1 4 Total 192 -168- 360 - Dinajpur

16 Criteria Men (n=33) Order if Importance Women (n=27) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Good yield70I12I82I Good size (medium)10V54II64II Early variety35II22III57III Disease resistant12IV42V54IV Good marketing2VII2IX4 Good storage35II9V44V Good taste28III2VI30VI Sticky nature4VI14VII18VII Shallow eyes0VIII5 5 Red color2VII0X2X Total 198 -162- 360- Debigonj

17 Rank of order Reasons of selectionName of clones/varieties RCBD TrialObservation plot DinajpurDebigonjDinajpurDebigonj I Good yield Red in color & uniform Good size & shape Good taste Good storage ability Early maturity Market friendly Disease resistance CIP-126CIP-112CIP-126LB-12 II Good yield Good size & shape Good storage ability Like as indigenous variety Red in color Good taste LB-12CIP-14CIP-112CIP-126 III Good yield Red in color Good size Like as indigenous variety Good taste CIP-112CIP-111CIP-139CIP-112 Ranking of the Best Clones by Farmer (time of harvest)

18 CIP-112 Placed 1 st at Debigonj CIP-126 Placed 1 st at Dinajpur CIP-139 CIP-111 CIP-14 LB-12

19 Organoleptic Evaluation Debigonj

20 Factor Name of clones FirstSecondThird AppearanceCIP-112CIP-139CIP117 TasteCIP-112CIP-139CIP117 TextureCIP-112CIP-139LB-12 Dinajpur

21 Factor Name of clones/Varieties FirstSecondThird AppearanceCIP-112CardinalCIP-131 TasteCIP-112LB-2Cardinal TextureCIP-112CIP-139CIP-131 Debigonj

22 Clones/Varieties Yield (t/ha) DinajpurDebigonj Average CIP- 13947.0352.00 49.52 CIP- 13155.4359.48 57.46 CIP- 12655.9357.70 56.82 CIP-12053.7057.45 55.57 CIP-11851.8757.42 54.65 CIP- 11751.7155.01 53.36 CIP-11250.1556.15 53.15 LB-143.7848.91 46.35 LB-241.2946.81 44.05 LB-1235.2038.93 37.07 LB-1467.0069.35 68.17 CIP- 251.2358.94 55.08 CIP-1056.6161.26 58.93 CIP-1449.2354.76 52.00 CIP- 11147.3953.72 50.55 Cardinal (CV)43.1047.00 45.05 Diamant (CV)41.4841.70 41.59 CV (%)11.1111.36 LSD (0.05)50.0210.05 Yield performance

23 Criteria Men (n=20) Order if Importance Women (n=20) Order if Importance Total (n=40) Order if Importance Score No color change after storage 19III12V31 III No hollow heart 0 8VI8VII No shrinkage after storage 1VI0 1IX Less sprouting 9IV16IV25IV No change to taste after storage 21II31I52 II Less weight loss 5V2VII7VIII Less rottage 55I28II83 I No black heart 9IV0 9VI Tight Skin 1VI23III24V TOTAL 120- -240 Gathering and Ranking of Criteria (post-harvest) Dinajpur

24 Criteria Men (n=32) Order if Importance Women (n=28) Order if Importance Total (n=60) Order if Importance Score Not harmful to human health9VI12 IV 21V No shrinkage after storage7VII9 V 16VII No color change after storage11V7 VIII 18VI Not easy to became soft after storage1IX7 VIII 8IX Less rottage after storage41I15 III 56 I Less sprouting14III9 V 23IV No change to taste after storage13IV36 I 49 II Storage insect resistance4VIII8 VI 12VIII Less storage disease or resistant20II17 II 37 III TOTAL120- 240- Debigonj

25 Ranking of the Best Clones in Storage (post-harvest) at both locations Clone/Variety DinajpurDebigonj Global Score Order of Ranking Male Score Female Score Male Score Female Score CIP- 1111114107 42 IV CIP-112312012 36 VI CIP- 1173840 15 IX CIP-1180730 10 XII CIP-120001525 40 V CIP- 1264139617 103 I CIP- 1311712 11 XI CIP- 13911568 30 VII LB-16572 20 VIII LB-24320 9 XIII LB-122610813 57 III LB-140210 3 XIV CIP- 21080 9 XIII CIP-102048 14 X CIP-140200 2 XV Cardinal (CV)11162023 70 II Diamant (CV)0153 9 XIII Total90309030 --

26 Standard Evaluation: Number of Sprouts, Tuber Weight and Health (post-harvest) Clone/varieties% Weight loss at 90 DAS% Rottage loss 90 DAS% Sprout 90 DAS DebigonjDinajpurDebigonjDinajpurDebigonjDinajpur CIP-1111.96 1.04 0.003.1390.00100.00 CIP-1124. CIP-1172.179.180.00 100.00 CIP-1182.4413.270.004.55100.0092.54 CIP-1201.963.120.005.7560.0096.59 CIP-1264.763.120.002.63100.0096.05 CIP-1313.617.1410.006.56100.0098.36 CIP-1392.443.120.009.52100.0095.24 CIP- CIP-103.931.060.00 60.00100.00 CIP142.911.040.002.53100.00 LB-19.099.570.008.62100.0087.93 LB-22.445.210.008.33100.0094.44 LB- LB-144.767.6110.003.70100.0097.59 Cardinal3.617.450.001.19100.0098.81 Diamant4.769.380.001.54100.00

27 . Friedman test  Is a non- parametric statistical test.  It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts.  The procedure involves ranking each row (or block) together, then considering the values of ranks by columns.  Applicable to complete block designs.

28 Statistical Analysis Friedman  Friedman test is a nonparametric analysis of a randomized block experiment. It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts. ANOVA  ANOVA is a parametric analysis of a randomized block experiment It is used to detect differences in treatments across multiple test attempts. Kruskal-Wallis  Performs a nonparametric analysis of the one- way analysis of variance The Kruskal-Wallis hypotheses are: - H0: the population medians are all equal versus - H1: the medians are not all equal

29 Statistical Analysis Principal Components  PCA is a data reduction technique used to identify a small set of variables that account for a large proportion of the total variance in the original variables.  Components can be calculated from the correlation matrix or the covariance matrix.  Output consists of the eigenvalues, the proportion and cumulative proportion of the total variance explained by each principal component, and the coefficients for each principal component.

30 Consolidation of evaluations: Principal Componentes

31 Consolidation of evaluations: Used weights and ranking

32 FFrom the studied there were six CIP clones (CIP-111, CIP- 112, CIP-126, CIP-139, CIP-14 and LB-12) selected for next year trial. Conclusion

33 Thank You

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