M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 1 of 5 802.1 Plenary Agenda - Monday Minutes for 802.1 for This Week Voters and voting Rules for.

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1 M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 1 of 5 802.1 Plenary Agenda - Monday Minutes for 802.1 for This Week Voters and voting Rules for voting Note: Need attendees list to office by noon Tuesday Approval of Minutes Report from 802 Executive Committee

2 M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 2 of 5 802.1 Plenary Agenda - Monday Working Group Officers Election Elected by Working Group Confirmed by LMSC Chair, vice chair, and others as the WG wishes Need letter of commitment for chair and vice chair Consultants covered in bylaws Two year term 8-year limit on electability; 10 year term limit If anyone interested, contact me. Lidinsky cannot stand for election Nominations for Chair Will conduct ballot on Thursday afternoon Nominations for Vice Chair Will conduct ballot on Thursday afternoon

3 M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 3 of 5 802.1 Plenary Agenda - Monday Quick Status of Work Items 802 Overview & Architecture.1r GPRP We pulled the PAR.1s - Multiple Spanning TreesThu a.m..1t - 802.1D maintenanceMon p.m..1u - 802.1Q maintenance Mon a.m.1v - VLAN Classification by Protocol and Port.Tue p.m..1w - Rapid Reconfiguration.Tue a.m..1x - Port-based Network Access ControlWed a.m. & Wed 3-5 Must have motion for Thursday evening.3ad - Link Aggregation Passed sponsor ballot SRP interestWed 1-3.1 PlenaryThu 2-5

4 M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 4 of 5 802.1 Plenary Agenda - Monday SEC Officers Election Carlo, Nikolich, Frazier, Rigsbee will stand for election If anyone interested, contact Jim Carlo 802.1 Technical Plenary 802.11 and 802.1x 64-bit addresses Discussion Friday morning going away? Survey This week’s Schedule

5 M.1PlenAgenda0003.ppt802.1 Albuquerque March 2000WPL p 5 of 5 Agenda for week Tech Plenary 8am - noon With

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