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1. Testing triple bags in lab 2. Following triple bag use at village level 3. Addressing some farmers’ questions The Triple Bagging Story in Rural Areas.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Testing triple bags in lab 2. Following triple bag use at village level 3. Addressing some farmers’ questions The Triple Bagging Story in Rural Areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Testing triple bags in lab 2. Following triple bag use at village level 3. Addressing some farmers’ questions The Triple Bagging Story in Rural Areas of Niger: Answers to Questions Asked by Farmers and Extension Agents About Technology

2 Comparing 50kg/100kg PICS bags O 2 decreases rapidly (6 hrs after sealing the bags) 1. Testing PICS bag in Lab Treatmentsbagssamples Percent of cowpea seed with at least 1 hole after 5 months Before bagging 2 189.16±5.71a New 100 kg PICS bag4808.98±3.60a New 50 kg PICS bag61206.16±2.60b Used 50 kg PICS bag61208.60±3.40a Control (woven bag)24099.35±1.36c Anova (F,p)(F=7283.60, p<0.001)  90 to 99% adult and larvae mortality in a bag  Cowpea can be stored for up to two or three years without loss

3 2. Following PICS bag in Niger Villages Trials conducted in 107 villages; O 2 and CO 2 levels comparable to lab experiment No reports of cowpea damage due to bruchids, PICS bags are well accepted by farmers Quality of cowpea better (283 villages surveyed) Conclusion: Putting infested grain in PICS bags stops losses PICS Bags

4 3. Addressing farmers questions? 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after on season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

5 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after on season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

6 Germination tests of cowpea grain Conclusion: Germination is not affected when cowpeas are stored in PICS bags

7 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after on season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

8 Comparing PICS technology with 5 other methods M ONTHLY RECORDS OF PERCENTAGE OF COWPEA WITH SEED FOR EACH TREATMENTS Conclusion: PICS bags perform as well as other methods, INCLUDING phostoxin

9 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after one season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

10 MinimumMaximumM±SE PICS 50 kg 200704012.6±12.65 PICS 100 kg 200805018.07±13.58 Total05015.51±13.32 T OTAL N UMBERS OF LIVING (I NACTIVE ) ADULTS PER BAG AFTER 6 MONTHS (54 BAGS, 23 VILLAGES ) Conclusion: Few adult bruchids survive after 6 months storage in PICS bags

11 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after one season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

12 number of bags weight of 100 seed (g) Rate of seed with hole initial infestation 415,11±0,47a12,83±5,02a Non open PICS bag 414,2±1,44a14,41±2,84a PICS bag opened 19 times 414,36±0,57a13,66±4,20a woven bag (control) 312,66±1,00b54,11±12,95b ANOVA (F=11,60; p ˂ 0,001)(F=84,75; p ˂ 0,001) C OMPARING MULTIPLY - OPENED AND UNOPENED PICS BAGS –5 MONTHS STORAGE Conclusion: If necessary bags can be quickly opened and closed once a week

13 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after one season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin to PICS bag for better results? 6. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?


15 Treatments villages /stores samples holes Mean ± SD PICS bags at village level 2345189.99±9.58a PICS bags with phostoxin 11817.93±5.92a Market sample at village 10518827.86±17.22b ANOVA (F=175.70;P<0.001) C OMPARING PICS BAG WITH AND WITHOUT PHOSTOXIN Conclusion: Phostoxin is NOT necessary and is a waste and a danger.

16 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Does PICS technology supress all bruchid population after one season storage? 4. Can we open our bag during storage? 5. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 6. Can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bags? 7. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 8. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

17 TreatmentsAbrasionsHoles Inner bagExternal bagInner bagExternal bag Closed immediately12.8±5.2a0.0±0.0a Closed after 4 days61.3±21.9a0.0±0.0a2.0±1.0a0.3±0.6a Closed after 8 days98.0±50.7b1.2±1.6a2.2±2.8a0.2±0.4a ANOVA(F=15.59; p=0.001)(F=0.1; p=3.00)(F=1.86, p=0.21)(F =0.62, p=0.50) N UMBER OF HOLES AND ABRASION ON HDPE LAYER OF PICS BAGS FILLED WITH INFESTED COWPEA AND CLOSED AT DIFFERENT TIME Conclusion: It is best to close bags immediately after filling and keep them closed.

18 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Can we open our bag during storage? 4. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 5. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 6. Can I re-use my PICS bag for two or more years? 7. Can I use PICS bags with others commodities?

19 Survey conducted in 49 villages in March and April 2010 Number of times used Number of bags checkedO2 rateCO2 rate 1614,25±1,82a4,53±2,54a 24012,97±2,70ab5,14±2,20a 31311,05±1,98b4,49±1,70a ANOVA(F=4,232; p=0,01)(F=0,059; p=057) Number of times used bags checkedsamples weight of 100 seed (g) number of holes per 100 seed 162414,30±1,79a20,66±7,66a 24017614,85±2,08a20,88±17,19a 3134715,50±1,07a14,89±14,40a ANOVA(F=1,31; p=0,27)(F=2,49; p=0,08) C OWPEA QUALITY IN RE - USED BAGS O2 AND CO2 LEVELS IN N EW AND RE - USED BAGS Conclusion: Used bags perform as well as new bags

20 1. Does exposure to low oxygen affect cowpea seed germination? 2. Are PICS bags more effective than traditional methods? 3. Can we open our bag during storage? 4. Can we add phostoxin tablet in our PICS bag for better results? 5. How can I prevent holes in my plastic inner and external bag? 6. Can I re-use my PICS bag for more than one year? 7. Can I use PICS bags with other commodities?

21 Farmers are experimenting the technology on other commodities: Bambara groundnut-Vigna subterranea L. Verdc Seed of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) Maize Sorghum A trader from Dan Kassari using PICS bag for voandzou storage Bambara groundnut Callosobruchus maculatus Conclusion: There is need. Research is underway. We are hopeful.

22 There IS need indeed!

23 1.Does PICS bagging stop the insect problem? 2. Is grain moisture and molds a problem? 3. Will PICS stored seeds germinate? 4. Are processing, cooking time, etc. affected? 5. Would PICS intervention be economical? With each new crop or product:

24 Thanks to the PICS family! Laurie Kitch Dick Shade Georges Ntoukam Moffi Ta’Ama Jane Wolfson Bill Moar Tim Mack Jess Lowenberg- DeBoer L. Amadou Heather Fabries Bokar Moussa Tahirou Abdoulaye Dieudonné Baributsa Katy Ibrahim Utiang Ugme Gital Ilyasu Larry Murdock Ousmane Coulibaly Kerstin Hell Venu Margam Joe Huesing Marissa McDonough Clementine Dabire Boukar Ousmane Clement Faye John Kumi Bakary Thiero


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