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Is the two party system of politics in America flawed? Held a mock-election in an elementary school to demonstrate the necessity of prior research. Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "Is the two party system of politics in America flawed? Held a mock-election in an elementary school to demonstrate the necessity of prior research. Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the two party system of politics in America flawed? Held a mock-election in an elementary school to demonstrate the necessity of prior research. Andrew Salsgiver

2 Why I chose my topic: Deep interest in politics since I was young. Topic permeates into effects on daily life. Strong personal feelings toward being educated. Seen the effects of improper governance, both in media and life.

3 Research History of the parties:  Founding fathers opposed parties Politicians turning away from the people  Passing policies that benefit themselves  Afraid to work with “radical” candidates

4 Research Two party system has created a “duopoly” in politics.  Coalitions among individuals unnecessary due to easily formed majorities. Party beliefs are beginning to blend  Afraid to take a stance and lose votes  Gives even less of a choice to voters

5 Research No room for competition in current system  Third-parties are squashed before they gain enough momentum Ex: Green Party Problems created by system effect the nation.  Arguments over debt-ceiling

6 Research Extreme loss of support from the public  Republican and Democratic voter registration is at an all time low.  Independent registration rising to take their place. 29% in 2000 to 37% in 2011 If this trend continues, we could see the end of the current party system in the foreseeable future.

7 Obstacles I overcame: Prior inclinations to procrastination Poor time-management skills Lack of formal writing training. Finding non-biased sources of information

8 Successes Information flowed in a successful way Passed the paper on the first round! Discovering a talent and passion for writing

9 The Link Held a mock-election at West Clayton Elementary to simulate real world mindsets. Validates research while teaching a lesson.

10 My Product

11 Steps taken: Finding mentor Selecting candidates for the election and 'production crew' for set-up and documentation. Contacting West Clayton. Preparing speech/lesson plan. Gathering required materials. Meeting with West Clayton's media coordinator and teacher of the class. Finalizing plans with candidates and production crew. Holding the lesson and mock-election.

12 Obstacles Finding a mentor Writing the speech to the children. Deciding how I wanted to approach the lesson. Procrastination Getting in touch with who I needed to talk to at the Elementary School.

13 Successes Positive reception to speech and lesson. Finding a class to participate. The lesson itself.

14 What I learned about myself: Predisposition to procrastination and the need to fix it immediately. I could not teach kids below the high school level. However, I learned that I am decent at speaking in front of people, thus possibly creating a new job opportunity. I can not do everything on my own; probably the hardest lesson of all.

15 Implications for the future: Opened up possible job choice in teaching. While I might pursue a career in politics at a future time, I have other aspirations driving me currently. Learned that connections and networking is vastly important, good lesson to learn early.

16 Thank you for your time! Do you have any questions?

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