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Apr, 2011 Dating with Java Larry Li. Objective Hello world program Setup development environment Data types and variables Operators and Expressions Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Apr, 2011 Dating with Java Larry Li. Objective Hello world program Setup development environment Data types and variables Operators and Expressions Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apr, 2011 Dating with Java Larry Li

2 Objective Hello world program Setup development environment Data types and variables Operators and Expressions Control Flow Method

3 Java Tech Structure Java code will compile to byte code JVM will run byte code Write Once, Run Anywhere

4 Setup Development Environment Download JDK Set environment variables(JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, PATH) JAVA_HOME : “c:\Sun\jdk1.6.0_24” PATH : “%JAVA_HOME%\bin” CLASS_PATH:”.;%JAVA_HOME\lib\dt.jar”;%JAVA_HOME\lib\tools.jar” JAVA_HOME : “c:\Sun\jdk1.6.0_24” PATH : “%JAVA_HOME%\bin” CLASS_PATH:”.;%JAVA_HOME\lib\dt.jar”;%JAVA_HOME\lib\tools.jar”

5 public class Hello{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } public class Hello{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } Our First Program

6 Compile and Run Java source file name is “” Use javac to compile java program (c:\javac Use java to run java program(c:\java Hello)

7 Datatypes TypeSizeMinimumMaximumWrapper typeDefault boolean---Booleanfalse char16bits\u0000\uffffCharacter\u0000 byte8bits-128127Byte0 short16bits-3276832767Short0 int32bits-2 31 2 31 -1Integer0 long64bits-2 63 2 63 -1Long0 float32bitsIEEE754 Float0.0F double64bitsIEEE754 Double0.0D void---Void- reference----null

8 Declare Variables int age = 25; Declaration must before the first statement that uses the local variable. Must initialize a local variable before using it. final int height = 179; Variables declared with modifier final must be assigned before use and cannot be changed once assigned

9 Legal Identifier A variable name is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores. Must start with a letter or underscore. Can be as long(or short)as you want. Must not be a keyword or a literal value

10 Java Keywords abstractcontinuefornewswitch assertdefaultgoto*packagesynchronized booleandoifprivatethis breakdoubleimplementsprotectedthrow byteelseimportpublicthrows caseenuminstanceofreturntransient catchextendsintshorttry charfinalinterfacestaticvoid classfinallylongstrictfpvolatile const*floatnativesuperwhile

11 Literals Boolean literals : ”true”, ”false”. Null literals : ”null”. Numeric literals : “10”,”15L”,”1.1F”,”2.0”,”6.5E+1f”,”2.65e-8” Character literals : ‘A’,’\u0041’. String literal : “James Gosling”.

12 Arrays A variable declared with brackets,[],is an array reference. Must use new to actually create the array, array is object. float price[]; String[] title, author; price = new new float[44]; String[] names = new String[10]; names[1] = “James Gosling”; price[0] = 99.95F; int odds = {1,3,5,7,9}; float price[]; String[] title, author; price = new new float[44]; String[] names = new String[10]; names[1] = “James Gosling”; price[0] = 99.95F; int odds = {1,3,5,7,9};

13 Operators Precedence !, ~, ++, --, +(positive), –(negative),( ) (cast) *,/,% +,-,>=,instanceof ==,!= && || Condition ? X : Y =,+= …

14 Operators Assignment Mathematical operators Increment and decrement Relational operators Logical operators Conditional operator Implicit type conversions Casting operators

15 Assignment Assign a value to a variable. Left operand must be a variable. Assignment expression's value is the value that was assigned Evaluated right to left min = 5; 5 = x;// illegal! current = (min = 5); max = current = min = 5; min = 5; 5 = x;// illegal! current = (min = 5); max = current = min = 5;

16 Mathematical +,-,*,/,% +,-(unary operator) age+1; daysLeft -3; width * height; totalLines / numPages; curLine%6; -balance age+1; daysLeft -3; width * height; totalLines / numPages; curLine%6; -balance

17 Increment and decrement ++,-- Unary operator Operand must be a variable --age; weight--; salary++; ++numCloth; --age; weight--; salary++; ++numCloth;

18 Relational >,>=,<,<=,==,!=. Results a true or false value. x >= maxValue args.length != 2 x >= maxValue args.length != 2

19 Logical ||,&&,! |,& && and || operators use short-circuit evaluation. length 18 height >= 10 && height <= 20 !(height >= 10 && height <=20) length 18 height >= 10 && height <= 20 !(height >= 10 && height <=20)

20 Operate-Assign Operators +=,-=,etc. Correspond to all the basic arithmetic operators age -= 10; mySalary += hisSalary; age -= 10; mySalary += hisSalary;

21 Conditional Operator op1 ? op2 : op3 char status; int age = 16; Status = age >= 18 ? ‘a’ : ‘m’ char status; int age = 16; Status = age >= 18 ? ‘a’ : ‘m’

22 Implicit Type Conversions Operands of different data types in an expression are converted to a common type. Smaller data types are converted to larger data types. Conversions that would truncate data will not happen implicitly float fTotal; float f = 6.5F; int i = 5,iTotal; fTotal = f + i; iTotal = f + i;// ERROR float fTotal; float f = 6.5F; int i = 5,iTotal; fTotal = f + i; iTotal = f + i;// ERROR

23 Cast Operator Conversions can be forced by explicitly casting a value or expression to a new data type; If the value being cast is too large to fit in the smaller location, the bits of the value will be truncated. To convert to a String, do not use the cast operator. float f = 6.5F, g = 7.7F; int total = (int)(f + g); String s = “” + f;// if one operand is String float f = 6.5F, g = 7.7F; int total = (int)(f + g); String s = “” + f;// if one operand is String

24 Control Flow Statement Conditional Statements (if-else, switch) Loop(do-while, while, for) Continue, Break statement Label in loop

25 Statement A single statement is an expression followed by a semicolon. Curly braces group statements into compound statements, called blocks. int area; { area = width * length; System.out.println(“area is ” + area); } int area; { area = width * length; System.out.println(“area is ” + area); }

26 Conditional (if) Statement if, if-else if, else if (age 3){ //do stuff } else if ( age >= 16 ){ //do stuff } else{ //else do stuff } if (age 3){ //do stuff } else if ( age >= 16 ){ //do stuff } else{ //else do stuff }

27 Conditional (switch) Statement Use a switch statement when you are testing the same expression for several possible literal values. Only compare expression of type byte, short, int, char, enum. switch (choice){ case ‘a’: // do something break; case ‘b’ : // do something break; default : // do default break; } switch (choice){ case ‘a’: // do something break; case ‘b’ : // do something break; default : // do default break; }

28 Loops do-while, while, for do{ // do something }while (hasNext); while(hasNext){ // do something } for(int i=0; i<5 ;i++){ // do something } int odds[] = {1,3,5,7,9}; for(int n : odds){ System.out.println(n); } do{ // do something }while (hasNext); while(hasNext){ // do something } for(int i=0; i<5 ;i++){ // do something } int odds[] = {1,3,5,7,9}; for(int n : odds){ System.out.println(n); }

29 Continue/break statement int i=0; while(true){ if (i % 2 != 0){ cotinue; } System.out.println(i); if (i > 10){ break; } int i=0; while(true){ if (i % 2 != 0){ cotinue; } System.out.println(i); if (i > 10){ break; }

30 Continue/break statement int i=0; while(true){ if (i % 2 != 0){ cotinue; } System.out.println(i); if (i > 10){ break; } int i=0; while(true){ if (i % 2 != 0){ cotinue; } System.out.println(i); if (i > 10){ break; }

31 Label in Loop label: while(true){ break; continue; continue label; break label; } label: while(true){ break; continue; continue label; break label; }

32 Methods //defing float getRectangleArea(float width,float height){ float area = width * height; return area; } //calling int rectangleArea = getRectangleArea(thisWidth,thisHeight); //defing float getRectangleArea(float width,float height){ float area = width * height; return area; } //calling int rectangleArea = getRectangleArea(thisWidth,thisHeight); Calling methods Defining methods Method Parameters

33 Finished Today Q&A

34 Homework 1.Setup development environment 2.A program print your name 3.Compile and run this program 4.A program print your dog’s information, including : name,weight,length of tail, friendly or not 5.Write a program with a big integer, big = 2147483647 and a bigger, bigger = big+1,print the tow number and explain the result 6.A program can convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (C = F minus 32 multiply by five ninth)

35 Thank you Java Bench

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