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Benefit. As we read through the following article please let me know when you see a word or phrase that states a benefit of sitting on the stability ball.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefit. As we read through the following article please let me know when you see a word or phrase that states a benefit of sitting on the stability ball."— Presentation transcript:

1 benefit

2 As we read through the following article please let me know when you see a word or phrase that states a benefit of sitting on the stability ball.

3 The County Journal Washburn, WI Published: Wednesday, January 20, 2010

4 Bayfield students “on the ball”. Bayfield Elementary teacher Janine Johanik has been selected to pilot an innovative approach to learning and wellness for her first grade students. Her classroom chairs have been replaced with WittFitt stability balls that promote movement and comfort, essential ingredients in the formula for enhancing learning, Johanik said. The balls are made of high- quality, lightweight plastic, are burst resistant, and have small feet to provide stability and easy storage on the desktops.

5 Johanik said using stability balls versus traditional classroom chairs came about inadvertently. She had approached Principal Sheila Everhart with a request for new chairs for her first graders. Her classroom was equipped with furniture designed for older children. “The little kids were sitting on the edge of their seat with their feet dangling. They needed smaller chairs,” she said. The timing of the request was perfect. Everhart had just returned from a principal’s conference where they discussed the best practices in education and reviewed current research findings. There were also vendors at the conference introducing products and materials proven to enhance learning.

6 Everhart had met Lisa Witt, an elementary school teacher and founder of WittFitt. She was very impressed with the research data that supported the benefits of using WittFitt balls and convinced Johanik to pilot the crossover from traditional chair to the ergonomic stability balls. Proven benefits of “learning in motion” with the WittFitt balls include promoting learning through movement allowing “active sitting” with little disturbance, enhancing attention and concentration, assists in improving posture, improves blood flow to all parts of the body, especially the brain, strengthens core (posture) and back muscles, improves balance and coordination and adjusts for customized fit.

7 “It’s only been three days since we’ve used the balls, but it’s working out really well,” Johanik said. “The kids are already showing more focus and handwriting is improving. They’re light enough to pick up and move around to other sitting areas in the classroom and easy to lift up and store on the desktops at the end of the day. They’re so much softer and more comfortable. The kids really like them.” Students Isabell Cornelius, Simon Claremboux, and Philip LaPoints have given the stability balls a “they’re really cool” rating. “I’m doing a lot better once I got used to them,” Philip said. “I keep the mall moving around right before I start to draw and now I draw pretty good.

8 “It helps my handwriting too and I can do math faster.” Isabelle said her back was “a little bit sore at first. That’s because my back is getting stronger. I told my Mom and Dad about the balls. They said it would be good for me. The first time I got my ball, I said, ‘home sweet home,’” she joked. Simon said there are rules to follow if you want to keep the ball for seating. “You can’t draw on it, fall off of it, or poke holes in it,” he said. “If you do you have to go back to the hard chair.” When Witt formed her company five years ago she also knew from experience as an elementary school teacher that “kids would be kids.”

9 She recognized that teachers would initially be apprehensive, picturing a classroom of 20 kids chaotically bouncing balls. She developed a personal teacher training guide and orientation for the use of the balls; provides on-line support from WittFitt staff and created a contract for parents, teachers, and students stating rules for the children to earn their stability balls. Johanik said she sent out the contract to parent/guardians in December in preparation for the pilot program in January. It explained what the WittFitt stability balls were, answers to commonly asked questions about the product, the many benefits of the ball, other people who have used the balls with

10 Success, and any risks involved. The contract includes four simple rules: keep bottoms on the ball, feet on the floor, sit up straight, and respect your ball. If the student breaks any rule he/she loses the ball privilege for one week. If they break the rules with a substitute teacher, it’s two weeks. Students also sing “On the Ball” to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It” to reinforce the rules. “Having a ball” in the classroom makes sense, Johanik and Everhart agreed. There is a growing body of scientific knowledge that affirms the positive benefits movement has on wellness, learning, and teaching.

11 Students are required to sit for long periods of time and often have far less physical education and recess than they need, they said. The evidence-based data supporting the many health and learning benefits are valuable for all students, Everhart said, but can be invaluable for students with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other learning disabilities. At the end of the 2010 school year Everhart will evaluate the pilot program with “high hopes” of incorporating the use of the stability WittFitt balls in grades K-five in the near future.

12 BenefitHow this improves my life…. (In school, outside of school, or in the future) Improves posture Improves balance, coordination, and flexibility Strengthens core muscles Improves blood flow Keeps you alert and focused Allows movement while seated Custom-sized Improves handwriting I will not be hunched over as an adult. My appearance will be better and confident. This will improve my gymnastic skills. My lower back will arch less if my tummy and back muscles are stronger. I will be better and stronger in my sport. I will get more oxygen to my brain, so I can think better and more clearly. I won’t miss important information from my teacher and I might earn better grades. I can move and not be heard, bother others or get in trouble. I will be comfortable. I will be able to reach my desk and my handwriting may improve. My handwriting will be more legible. I will enjoy writing more.

13 Which benefit do you think will help you the most? Why?

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