Expectation-Maximization (EM) Case Studies

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1 Expectation-Maximization (EM) Case Studies
CS479/679 Pattern Recognition Dr. George Bebis

2 Case Study 1: Object Tracking
S. McKenna, Y. Raja, and S. Gong, "Tracking color objects using adaptive mixture models", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 17, pp , 1999.

3 Problem Tracking color objects in real-time assuming:
Varying illumination, viewing geometry, camera parameters Example: face tracking

4 Proposed Approach Model object color distribution using an adaptive Mixture of Gaussians (MoGs) model. Hue-Saturation space

5 Why Using Adaptive Color Mixture Models?
Non-adaptive models have given good results assuming large rotations in depth, scale changes, and partial occlusions. Dealing with large illumination changes, however, requires an adaptive model.

6 Color Representation RGB values are converted to the HSI (Hue-Saturation-Intensity) color representation system. Only the H and S components were used “I” was discarded to better handle ambient illumination. Pixels corresponding to low S values and very high I values were discarded (i.e., not used in parameter estimation). i.e., not reliable for measuring H

7 Color Mixture Models if P(O/xi)>T then xi belongs to O
xi is a 2D vector: (Hi, Si) if P(O/xi)>T then xi belongs to O if P(O/xi)>T then xi belongs to O

8 Main Steps Initialization: use a predetermined generic object color model to initialize (or re-initialize) the tracker. Tracking: model adapts and improves its performance by becoming specific to the observed conditions. search window pr-1(xi/O) pr(xi/O) frame: r-1 frame: r frame: r+1

9 Assumptions The number of mixture components K is fixed.
In general, the number of components needed to accurately model the color of an object does not change significantly with changing viewing conditions. Adapting the number of mixture components K might yield better results.

10 Use EM to estimate MoG parameters

11 Use EM to estimate mixture parameters

12 Initialization of mixture's parameters
θk =(μk,Σk)

13 Model Adaptation … L frames τ τ= r, r-1, …, r-L pr-L-1(xi/O)
pr-1(xi/O) pr(xi/O) frame: r-L-1 frame: r-1 frame: r L frames τ τ= r, r-1, …, r-L adaptive estimate at frame r

14 Model Adaptation (cont’d)

15 Model Adaptation (cont’d)
Efficient computation of frame: r-1 frame: r frame: r-L-1 pr-1(xi/O) pr(xi/O) Important:

16 Model Adaptation (cont’d)
(see Appendix A)

17 Example: no adaptation
(non-adaptive model – moving camera)

18 Example: adaptation (adaptive model – moving camera)

19 Selective Adaptation How should we deal with this issue?
Use selective adaptation!

20 Selective Adaptation (cont’d)
likelihood. (an adaptive threshold is being used – see paper)

21 Example: adapt at each frame
(no selective adaptation– moving camera)

22 Example: selective adaptation
(selective adaptation – moving camera)

23 Case Study 2: Background Modeling
C. Stauffer and E. Grimson, "Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking", IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Vol.2, pp , 1998

24 Problem Real-time segmentation and tracking of moving objects in image sequences. In general, we can assume: Fixed or moving camera Static or varying background This paper: fixed camera, varying background.

25 Requirements Need to handle:
Variations in lighting (i.e., gradual or sudden) Multiple moving objects Moving scene clutter (e.g., swaying tree branches) Arbitrary changes (i.e., parked cars, camera oscillations, etc.)

26 Traditional Moving Object Detection Approaches
A common method for segmentation and tracking of moving regions involves background subtraction: (1) Subtract a model of the background from current frame. (2) Threshold the difference image. background model current frame result of subtraction (after thresholding) = -

27 Traditional Moving Object Detection Approaches (cont’d)
How would one obtain a good background model? Non-adaptive background models have serious limitations. background model current frame result of subtraction (after thresholding)

28 Traditional Approaches for Background Modeling
Frame differencing The estimated background is the previous frame Works for certain object speeds and frame rates Sensitive to the choice of the threshold absolute difference low threshold high threshold

29 Traditional Approaches for Background Modeling (cont’d)
Averaging (or median) over time. N frames (median) J. Wang, G. Bebis, Mircea Nicolescu, Monica Nicolescu, and R. Miller, "Improving Target Detection by Coupling It with Tracking", Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 20, no. 4, pp , 2009.

30 Traditional Approaches for Background Modeling (cont’d)
detected objects based on background subtraction new frame Not robust when the scene contains multiple, slowly moving objects.

31 Proposed Approach – Key Ideas
Background Model Model pixel values at each image location as a MoGs (i.e., N2 MoGs for an N x N image). Use on-line approximation to update the model parameters.

32 Main Steps Use background model to classify each pixel as background or foreground. (2) Group foreground pixels and track them from frame to frame using a multiple hypothesis tracker. (3) Update model parameters to deal with: lighting changes slow-moving objects repetitive motions of scene elements (e.g., swaying trees) long term scene changes (i.e., parked cars)

33 Why modeling pixel values using MoGs?
after 2 minutes specularities green red flickering

34 Modeling pixel values using MoGs
Consider the values of a particular pixel as a “pixel process” (i.e., “time series”). Model each pixel process {X1, X2, …, Xt} as a MoGs.

35 Modeling pixel values using MoGs (cont’d)
(i.e., R,G,B are independent with same variance)

36 Determining the “background” Gaussians
Recent history {X1, X2, …, Xt} of a pixel: Some of its values might be due to changes caused by moving objects. Others might be due to background changes (e.g., swaying trees, parked cars). Need to determine which Gaussians from the mixture represent the “background” process. after 2 minutes

37 Determining the “background” Gaussians (cont’d)
Two criteria are being used to determine which Gaussians represent the “background” process: Variance: moving objects are expected to produce more variance than “static” (background) objects. Persistence: there should be more data supporting the background Gaussians because they are repeated, whereas pixel values from moving objects are often not the same color.

38 Determining the background Gaussians (cont’d)
The following heuristic is used to determine the "background" Gaussians: “Choose the Gaussians which have high persistence and low variance“

39 Determining the background Gaussians (cont’d)
To implement this idea, the Gaussians are ordered by the value of πi/σi (i.e., πi is the prior probability). Choose the first B distributions as those belonging to the background process, where: T=(# background_pixels) / (# total pixels)

40 Pixel classification Classify a pixel as background if:
the Gaussian which represents it most effectively is a “background” Gaussian; Otherwise, classify a pixel as foreground. A match is defined if a pixel value is within 2.5σ of a Gaussian distribution In essence, each pixel has its own threshold!

41 Updating model parameters
New observations are integrated into the model using standard learning rules (i.e., using EM for every pixel would be very costly). If a match is found, the prior probabilities of each Gaussian in the mixture model are updated as follows: (i.e., exponential forgetting)

42 Updating model parameters (cont’d)
The parameters of the matched Gaussian i are updated as follows: (i.e., exponential forgetting)

43 Updating model parameters (cont’d)
If a match is not found, the least probable distribution is replaced with a new Gaussian distribution. Mean is set to the pixel value High variance initially Low prior weight

44 Grouping and Tracking Foreground pixels are grouped into different regions (i.e., using connected components). Moving regions are tracked from frame to frame. A pool of Kalman filters are used to track the moving regions (i.e., see paper for more details).

45 Experiments and results
The system was tested continuously for 16 months (24 hrs/day through rain and snow). Processing power: 11-13 frames per second Each frame was160 x 120 pixels.

46 Results Examples of pedestrian and vehicle (aspect ratio was used to filter our inconsistent detections).

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