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The tone of the writing fits the purpose and audience. The writer and the reader have a powerful connection. The writing is expressive. SHAMPO is used.

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Presentation on theme: "The tone of the writing fits the purpose and audience. The writer and the reader have a powerful connection. The writing is expressive. SHAMPO is used."— Presentation transcript:


2 The tone of the writing fits the purpose and audience. The writer and the reader have a powerful connection. The writing is expressive. SHAMPO is used. The writer takes memorable risks. The writer is confident, energized, and passionate about the topic.

3 Simile Hyperbole Alliteration Metaphor Personification Onomatopoiea Foldable, Idioms Book, SHAMPO Activities


5 Do you know what Ryan did last weekend? He went to the beach with his family. First, Ryan built a huge sand castle. Then, he collected seashells and rocks. After that, he went swimming with his brother. Ryan had a wonderful time at the beach. Questions  Does this passage have good voice? Explain.  What can be done to improve the voice of this passage? Activity  Work with a partner to rewrite the passage using voice

6 Yesterday, Erica went to a pumpkin patch with her family. She picked out a huge, orange pumpkin to take home. It weighed over 15 pounds! Erica stumbled as she was carrying it to the car. Do you know what happened next? She dropped the pumpkin and it splattered all over the ground. Erica yelled, Oh no! Questions  Does this passage have good voice? Explain.  Identify some examples of good voice in the passage.  What can be done to improve the voice of this passage? Activity  Work with a partner to rewrite the passage using voice.



9  Ideas ◦ Choose a memory as your main focus. Use your Memory Bank!  Organization ◦ Choose one of the planning strategies from your organization foldable.  Voice ◦ Add SHAMPO  Add to your Memory Bank or finish a previous story once you have finished planning.  Do not begin your rough draft!!

10 Brilliant Beginning Mighty Middle Excellent Ending

11 Brilliant Beginning

12  Idioms  Describe setting  Describe character  Show action  Dialogue (talking)  Questions  Shocking  Suspenseful

13 Example 1

14 Example 2

15 Example 3

16 Example 4

17  Idioms  Describe setting  Describe character  Show action  Dialogue (talking)  Questions  Shocking  Suspenseful

18 Mighty Middle

19  Show action  Idioms  Details and images  Dialogue (talking)  Transitions  Logical sequence

20 Excellent Ending

21  Show action  Idioms  Details and images  Dialogue (talking)  Question  Belief  Give closure

22 Example 1 “Yes,” I said. “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

23 Example 2 I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the earth, and trees; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.

24 Example 3 But wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the forest, a little boy and his bear will always be playing.

25 Example 4 And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, every one!

26 Example 5 He waited for someone to tell him who to be next. The open Curtain

27  Show action  Idioms  Details and images  Dialogue (talking)  Question  Belief  Give closure


29  Ideas ◦ Choose a memory as your main focus. ◦ Use your Memory Bank!  Organization ◦ Choose one of the planning strategies from your organization foldable. ◦ Brilliant Beginning ◦ Mighty Middle ◦ Excellent Ending  Voice ◦ Add SHAMPO

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