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Napoleon Bonaparte & The French Empire

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1 Napoleon Bonaparte & The French Empire

2 Who was Napoleon? 5’3 After his victory defending delegates from royalist rebels, Directory appoints him leader of French Army against Austria Continued to be victorious against enemy, reputation grew Victories in battles in Italy, across Europe and into Middle East

3 Gaining Power The Directory loses influence:
(1799) when Napoleon returns from his battles, the Directory has lost control of politics in France, People have no confidence in them Some people urge Napoleon to take control

4 Taking control Napoleon as Dictator
Napoleon and troops drive out National legislature and lawmakers Divides France into 3 counsels and crowns himself Dictator Coup d’ etat- “Bow to the State”


6 France still has problems
France is still at war with those other countries- Prussia and Austria (wanted king back) continued to fight other countries and eventually got peace agreements from all

7 Napoleon’s good deeds Napoleonic Code
Power to the people, yet limited press power Public Education and improves infrastructure He did agree with Enlightenment ideas Spread those ideas to other governments by conquering most of Europe Loved and supported the arts Would not let the Church dictate ideas

8 Napoleon’s Bad Deeds Napoleonic Code limited rights
Became arrogant and a tyrant Took all the power back Spent too much $ Lost battles Conquered so much that he changed the balance of power in Europe Caused the rest of Europe to build up militaries Caused millions in lost lives through war

9 Napoleon’s Goals wars and revolution has weakened France
Napoleon wanted to reassert France as major power of France and Americas Wanted to control Europe France had colonies in Americas Louisiana territory Saint Domingue – Caribbean islands Problems occurred overseas between rebels and French Disease was hurting French soldiers Napoleon decides to cut ties with America’s and sell land Figures it will help France with $$ problems as well as hurt England

10 Napoleon’s Goals Continued
Napoleon wants to control Europe and begins taking over parts: Parts of Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland Sets up puppet governments Other European nations scared Uniting against Napoleon British, Russia, Austria, Sweden Napoleon could not be stopped he was unpredictable and continued to win battle after battle conquered most if Europe, with only one major power in way, Britain

11 Did Napoleon Bonaparte change Europe for the better or for the worse?


13 The 1st Setback for Napoleon
Battle of Trafalgar Napoleon loses first major battle Naval battle off coast of Spain What does this mean? France cannot invade Britain British naval supremacy Napoleon must find other way to defeat British

14 Napoleon’s Empire The French Empire: 1807 – 1812.

15 The Fall of Napoleon The Fall of his Empire
Napoleon attempted to destroy Britain by not allowing anyone to trade with it- Continental system Failed Smugglers still got shipments in Britain started own blockade Who’s navy was better?

16 The Fall of Napoleon Peninsular War- War with Spain
Did not agree with actions of Napoleon Feared he may weaken church as well Guerillas fought him for years Nationalism rose in respective countries Now many of those who originally welcomed Napoleon, resented him

17 The Fall of Napoleon **- The invasion of Russia
1812- Napoleon despite being allies with Russia decides to invade them - Napoleon wanted Poland and felt Russia was going to take it

18 Bye Bye Bye Napoleon Lost in Russia Too Big Too cold
Not enough supplies Russia’s scorched Earth policy

19 Wait come back my love? His exile to Elba and Return
The Battle of Waterloo (The final Stand)

20 Congress of Vienna create balance in Europe
come to each others aid to achieve peace Rulers whom were in power before Napoleon, be restored Countries such as England and France became Limited Monarchies

21 Sparks of Change All of this lead to a speak of nationalism within world - Revolutions in Latin America and South America


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