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Bentley Civil V8i SELECTseries 4 MR1 & Beyond

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1 Bentley Civil V8i SELECTseries 4 MR1 & Beyond
Don Lee, Consultant - Bentley Global Services - Road

2 Agenda Civil Update Futures Where we are at today
SELECTseries 4 Updates and Beyond

3 Bentley Civil Releases
SELECTseries 4 – Update 1 “OpenRail” SUE / SUDA OpenRoads Enhancements & Fixes Bentley Civil Releases SELECTseries 2 – Rail products Bentley RailTrack (BRT) Power RailTrack (PRT) Power Overhead Line (PROL) RAIL SELECTseries 4 MR1 MSTN CONNECT Edition EAP 2013 2014 2015 Ongoing Development / Maintenance Release program MR1 MR2 SELECTseries 4 SELECTseries 3 – OpenRoads 4 Road products one Modelling Solution Terrain model (replaces TRIA / TIN / DTM) Data acquisition becomes Survey (Terrain model extracted) Horizontal & Vertical Geometry Reusable Geometry Corridor Tools (replaces Roadway Designer) SELECTseries 4 – OpenRoads 4 Road products one Modelling Solution Incremental enhancments Model Interoprability improvements Horizontal & Vertical Geometry improvements Corridor Modeling improvements ROAD Civil Modelling Improvements

4 SELECTseries 4 Update 1 Bentley RailTrack SELECTseries 4 (OpenRail) Bring Rail products onto same platform as Road. SUDA Extends on SUE to Provide Storm/Sanitary Analysis capability Draws on Haestad analysis and integrates with StormCAD (includes 100 inlet with OpenRoads) / Civil Storm / SewerCAD / SewerGems depending on licences Bentley Descartes SELECTseries 5 ( ). Bentley Map SELECTseries 4 ( ). The Infrastructure Consensus Model (ICM) enhances this fidelity using Bentley i-model file format (i.dgn) with an embedded Civil Consensus Model (icm.dgn).

5 Horizontal Geometry Enhancements
Chord Definition based arcs are supported.

6 Horizontal Geometry Enhancements
Best fit regression on B-spline elements provides improved performance and the creation of spiral based alignments. Support the import of following Transition Spirals: Bloss Biquadratic Cosine Sinusoid Half-Bloss Half-Biquadratic Half-Cosine Half-Sinusoids

7 Horizontal Geometry Enhancements
Improved tool tips from geometry to show what the geometry belongs to (or where it originated from).

8 Terrain Model Enhancements
A new explicitly defined <Boundary> option has been added to the terrain model edge conditions.

9 Terrain Model Enhancements
Complex terrain models are now allowed when the base terrain models boundaries do not overlap.

10 Terrain Model Enhancements
Create Terrain Model Boundary tool has been added. Extract Graphic - Will allow the creation of a graphical boundary element that reflects the current limits of the triangulation of the given terrain model. Add Boundary – Adds a boundary internally (no graphic) to the terrain using the current limits of triangulation. Add Ruled Boundary – Does both of the above … creates a graphical boundary element and then rules that graphical element to the boundary of the terrain.

11 Modeling Enhancements
Template library organizer now allows copy of edited linear templates in a DGN back to the library (previously only worked with corridor templates). Linear Template are now able to be renamed in Quick Properties. Linear Templates have been extended to always include external control points for improved modelling accuracy that was previously only available using full corridor modeling.

12 Modeling Enhancements
Template drop description has been added to the corridor objects dialog. Design Stage artifacts, Top Mesh and Template Geometry, persists rules regardless if they are on/off in the Design Stage settings. This is true for both corridors and linear templates. This results in multiple benefits, such as: Target Aliasing seeks top mesh of Corridors and Linear Templates instead of nearest component, resulting in faster processing. You can now drape 2D elements directly on the corridor without having to create a terrain.

13 Modeling Enhancements
When an End Condition seeks something other than a surface (e.g. linear elements via Horizontal, Vertical, or Both), the elements must be added as a Corridor Reference in order to populate the Target Alias dialog. This results in much faster processing since the software doesn’t have to search all the elements in the file. It only searches for and lists the elements that are listed as Corridor References. Optimized performance when the base alignment contains B-splines, or when targeting B-splines elements as corridor point controls and feature definition constraints. B-Splines are normally created when you copy parallel geometry that contains spirals.

14 i-model and icm enhancements
i-model presentation of the civil model has been improved so Items Browser closely reflects the civil model represented by Project Explorer when a civil application is present. This makes for easier navigation and reporting in the i-model. Exporting the .icm.dgn now includes the graphical representation of the civil data being exported.

15 i-model and icm enhancements
WYSIWYG Publish Publish Displayed Attachments Only Excellent way to make the files smaller

16 Interoperability Enhancements
When using the File > Publish i-model option to publish an i-model, you can now include the civil data (an example of this would be publishing an i-model for the OpenRoads mobile application). In order to do this, you will need to set the following CFG variable: CIVIL_iMODEL_INCLUDE_ICM=1 *** Publish Design Models only CIVIL_iMODEL_INCLUDE_ICM=2 *** Publish Terrain Models only CIVIL_iMODEL_INCLUDE_ICM=3 *** Publish both design and terrain models If variable is not set then no civil data will be saved to i-model.

17 Project Explorer Project Explorer has the ability to zoom to an element or object.

18 RSS feeds RSS feeds

19 Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis
(SUDA) Subsurface Utility Engineering License StormCAD License (100 Inlets Included) SUDA is built from Bentleys leading and proven H&H (Haestad) technology. Civil users get integration and data fidelity with SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, StormCAD, and CivilStorm. With this integration, civil users can easily move into more advanced analysis such as time dependent flows available with products like CivilStorm. NEXT SLIDE Conflict Management SUE Attribution 3D Modeling of all underground Integrated with OpenRoads Storm/Sanitary Hydraulic Analysis and Design Hydrology

20 SUDA A variety of bug fixes for Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) tools Added hydraulic calculations engines as follows: StormCAD equivalent functionality for drainage models up to 100 inlets included in the OpenRoads license CivilStorm, SewerCAD and SewerGEMS license available by menu activation. Additional license charges will apply if you have not purchased the appropriate license. Added import capabilities for: STSW files (StormCAD, CivilStorm, SewerCAD and SewerGEMS) Submodels (StormCAD, CivilStorm, SewerCAD and SewerGEMS) SWMM LandXML MicroDrainage

21 SUDA Added export to: Submodels (StormCAD, CivilStorm, SewerCAD and SewerGEMS) SWMM LandXML MicroDrainage GEOPAK Drainage InRoads Storm and Sanitary New Layout commands Place Lateral Place Gutter (hydraulic definition) Place Polygon (for Catchments, LIDS, hydraulic pond definitions) New polygon feature definition type for Catchments, LIDs and hydraulic pond definitions. Added Predefined Flex Tables for hydraulic reporting Added tool to create real text from Hydraulic View annotations.

22 Legacy Product Enhancements
GEOPAK - Optimization loading file list of GPK files from ProjectWise. InRoads - Vertical Annotation Enhancement. Ability to only Annotate Curve-less VPIs with a leader, station, and elevation Added the ability to add station and elevation to Curve Data. MX - export to native provides feedback in the Message Center for the number of elements persisted and a list of elements that did not. MX - Added a key-in that clears MX data persisted information from the DGN file. This allows for clean export to MX. contentmngmx deletemxdata *

23 Futures

24 RAIL ROAD Bentley Civil Futures SELECTseries 4 – Update 1 “OpenRail”
SUE / SUDA OpenRoads Enhancements / Fixes RAIL SELECTseries 4 MR1 2015 2016 2017 2018 Civil CONNECT Edition development Civil CONNECT Edition ongoing development and maintenance Civil Mobile Civil CONNECT Edition EAP ‘Bentley CONNECT Edition’ Product / technology consolidation Based on CONNECT Drawing Production New Superelevation Engine Future Releases - ‘Bentley Civil Mobile’ ROAD Civil Modelling Improvements

25 Futures – Mobile

26 OpenRoads Mobile Project
Starting Jan. 2015 EAP planned for Q2 and Initial release Q3 Goal: Round trip data from OpenRoads products to mobile devices Use i-models from Bentley products Two major releases (one each construction season)

27 Bentley Mobile Platform Strategy
Developing on multiple platforms to offer cross platform solutions Using various industry standards to increase code and application portability Enterprise consistency for ease of use Bentley working with all 3 operating systems: first is Apple iOS, then Android and finally windows 8 or 10 down the road. Use standard programming, including SDK (software developer kits) so others can program as desired. Standard functionality is consistent: logon, viewing tools, etc.

28 Transportation Project – Civil Multi-Discipline
MineCycle OpenRoads SUE / SUDA MineCycle Material Handling Can use i-models from other Bentley products such as Open Bridge Modeler, gINT, and SUE/SUDA. They can made the imodels from within those products, or you can attach the .i.dgn file to your dgn files and create from within civil product. Each product determines what is included within their i-model, some basic now, but will expand in the future, based partially on user feedback. MineSurvey Open Bridge Modeler gINT MicroStation SS3

29 Requirements / Features
2D and 3D information Graphical and non-graphical (reports, plan sheets, spreadsheets, etc.) Redline and markup Field notes, pictures and videos Must be geo-referenced Must be able to easily complete workflow from office to field and back to office Integrated with PW, but not required

30 OpenRoads Mobile at a Glance
Left view has complete 3D model with corridor modeler and SUE data – bottom panel shows levels and feature definitions, while side panel has properties of the selected pavement. Upper right, shows black background, with all panels collapsed. Center panel shows documents that can be used as well as views. Docs include pdf, excel, word, etc. Lower right has various views that came from original dgn, but saved views can also be added from within mobile.

31 Futures – New Superelevation Engine

32 New Superelevation Engine
Implemented and undergoing internal validation New XML driven rules User customisable New editor provided Users can create their own formulas for Cross Slope Rate and transition length calculations Users can create special customizations Large set of predefined Variables that user can use in their equations Equation parser with automatic log file generation allows use to verify/fix issues with equations. Addresses rounding / early lead in / variable design speed requirements Interpolation for tables Custom tables Rule / table validation

33 New Superelevation Engine
Simplified use Create lanes using a road template to define the lane offsets and widths Will allow the user to select a template from the template library to define all the lanes in one shot. Create super from corridor Will allow the user to select a corridor, and select a superelevation xml file.  Command will then create the super section(s) off the corridor’s alignment, create the lanes from the corridor’s template drops, run the xml super calculations based on default settings in the xml file, and assign superelevation point controls – (“Easy” button approach)

34 New Superelevation Engine
Provides editable superelevation diagrams Uses Microstation view Drag Manipulators obey contraints Show hide lane capabity Multiple super sections viewable at the same time Same colour coding for manipulators as SS2 editable diagram Drag manipulators, obey constraints Show / hide

35 Futures – Civil CONNECT Edition

36 Bentley Connect Edition
i-model Software at your Service for Comprehensive Project Delivery Bentley has long been renown for our unique single platform strategy, and the advantages that brings to our user organizations. Key constituents of this platform strategy include our flagship products of MicroStation and ProjectWise, the increasingly ubiquitous Bentley Navigator for model review and issues resolution i-models for securely and reliably sharing information models and our unrivaled SELECT subscription programs. SELECT Subscriptions

37 Bentley Civil CONNECT Edition
In development now Builds on core model / design capability of OpenRoads Leverages and extends Bentley Connect Edition Documentation Centre Performance and Scalability a major focus areas Extended business data capability

38 Civil Documentation Centre
Being worked on now CONNECT is the platform Civil sheeting requirements for efficient Plan Profile / Cross section Composite layouts Matchline support New annotation / Scripting Drawing set management Expect more detailed information towards the end of the year, with main messaging and announcements at Year in Infrastructure

39 RAIL ROAD Bentley Civil Futures SELECTseries4 – MR1 Rail products
Rail adoption of dynamic modeling technology “OpenRail” Dynamic cross sections Design time visualisation SUE / SUDA RAIL SELECTseries 4 MR1 2015 2016 2017 2018 Civil CONNECT Edition development Civil CONNECT Edition ongoing development and maintenance Civil Mobile Civil CONNECT Edition EAP ‘Bentley CONNECT Edition’ Product / technology consolidation Based on CONNECT Drawing Production New Superelevation Engine Future Releases - ‘Bentley Civil Mobile’ ROAD Civil Modelling Improvements

40 Thank You!

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