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Federal Office for Communications Digital Agenda for Europe Going local 2013: Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Office for Communications Digital Agenda for Europe Going local 2013: Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Office for Communications Digital Agenda for Europe Going local 2013: Switzerland

2 Federal Office for Communications Going local 2013 Switzerland René Dönni Kuoni, OFCOM Switzerland Telecommunications and Information Society OFCOM‘s perspective

3 3 Strategy of the Federal Council for an Information Society in Switzerland Strategy since 1998; revised in 2006 and 2012 Common framework for the activities of the federal administration Decentralised implementation Two main objectives, set by the Federal Council (March 2012): 1 Switzerland‘s economy will become innovative and internationally competitive through the use of ICT 2ICT will be used for the benefit of all and will make Switzerland an attractive environment for living

4 4 OFCOM‘s perspective Cross-departmental strategy Federal Council strategy for an information society in Switzerland Preparation and implementation by: Interdepartmental Steering Committee and Departments Federal offices Catalogue of strategy projects Areas of activity of the strategy Infrastructure Security and trustEconomy e-Democracy and e-Government Education, research and innovation Culture Energy and resource efficiency Health and the health care system Action principles (*) (*)Action principles: Sustainable development, equality of opportunity, legal basis, transparency and protection of personal data, scientific monitoring, national cooperation, international exchange.

5 5 OFCOM‘s perspective Telecom Regulation in Switzerland Ex post regulation for interconnect and LLU of Copper No regulation of Fiber access in the Swiss Telecoms Act Restricted Bitstream Access Regulation (4 Years) Regulated Duct Access (LRIC) In practice: Mobile Termination Rates non regulated (ex post)

6 6 OFCOM‘s perspective Construction rules regarding Telecom Relevant authorities: Cantons and Communities Wireline : Use of public ground for free Permissions must be easy to get Obligation to announce and to coordinate Need to co-utilize existing ducts if spare capacity available Mobile: No free use of public ground Co-regulated by environmental law and protection of landscape

7 7 OFCOM‘s perspective Cost model of FTTH greenfield rollout Profitable clusters (60% Pop): 7.8 – 8.9 Mia CHF Total rollout Single fiber: 21.4 Mia CHF Multifiber 4 fibers23.9 Mia CHF (1 Operator)

8 8 OFCOM‘s perspective NGA deployment : Swiss features Part of Governmental strategy on information society. Good quality infrastructure (ducts, utilities, spare capacity). Strong Cable industry in Switzerland. FTTH Cooperations in Cities. Swisscom & Utilities Round Table, mediated by the Regulator. „4 fibers“ Multistakeholder working group, lead by Government: Broadband mapping and publication of examples. Transparency and awareness. Political debate regarding possible changes is focussed on investment and coverage.

9 9 OFCOM‘s perspective NGA development in the OECD

10 10 OFCOM‘s perspective Rollout in Switzerland 2012 2020 2012 2020 0%20%40%60%80%100% FTTH/B Vectoring VDSL DOCSIS 3.0 20122013 LTE According to Operator announcements

11 11 OFCOM‘s perspective Jointly developped Guidelines Dedicated for local actors : Cantons, Communities, Operators Transparency Fostering NGA-deployment Activation of local forces

12 12 OFCOM‘s perspective Broadband mapping: services, bandwith, technologies, choice, antenna sites Download ≥ 100Mbit/s > 90 – 100 % > 50 – 90 % > 10 – 50 % > 0 – 10 % See:

13 13 OFCOM‘s perspective

14 14 OFCOM‘s perspective Discussed changes in regulated access pricing Short run proposals: Duct access according to „Investment Renewal Accounting“. LLU of Copper: prices based on Fiber costs, taking into account differences in quality and service levels. Interconnect based on NGN, glide path to avoid sharp changes. Long run proposals: Expand into technologically neutral access regulation.

15 15 OFCOM‘s perspective Related political Telecom issues Universal Service Obligations: Short run proposals: increase the garanteed bandwith (1 - 2 Mbit/s). Long run: Discuss the scope and the financing mechanism. Radio networks - radiation levels: Debate on the further deployment of mobile communication infrastructure in relation with public health.

16 16 OFCOM‘s perspective Other cross-departemental strategies or activitivies in the field of Strategy E-Government Strategy E-Health Strategy for protecting against Cyber Risks Strategy to deal with Internet Domain Names Strategy Critical Infrastructures Program on Youth and Media Protection National network for E-Inclusion

17 17 OFCOM‘s perspective Thank you Bern: Unesco World Heritage

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