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Weightlifters have training programs to help them get stronger.

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Presentation on theme: "Weightlifters have training programs to help them get stronger."— Presentation transcript:


2 Weightlifters have training programs to help them get stronger.

3 They lift weights that are heavy enough to strengthen their muscles.

4 Different weightlifters use different amounts of weights as they train.

5 What would happen to a weightlifter who only trained with small, light weights? They would never get any stronger!

6 What would happen to a weightlifter who only used weights that were too heavy to lift? They would not get stronger, only frustrated!

7 It’s important for a weightlifter to train with weights that are right for him.

8 Working out with AR is the same as lifting weights…

9 Reading only easy books will not make you a better reader.

10 Trying to read books that are too hard will not improve your reading.

11 Use the five finger rule!  Open the book to a full page.  Begin reading.  Put up a finger for every word you don’t know.  If you have all 5 fingers up before you finish the page, it’s too hard.

12 Reading books in your ZPD will help strengthen your reading!

13 You can always read books that are a little above or below your ZPD. You’re not locked into those levels.

14 Think of your ZPD as a ladder. You are “working out” to climb as high up as you can.

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