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1 Scaling Applications to Massively Parallel Machines using Projections Performance Analysis Tool Presented by Chee Wai Lee Authors: L. V. Kale, Gengbin.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Scaling Applications to Massively Parallel Machines using Projections Performance Analysis Tool Presented by Chee Wai Lee Authors: L. V. Kale, Gengbin."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Scaling Applications to Massively Parallel Machines using Projections Performance Analysis Tool Presented by Chee Wai Lee Authors: L. V. Kale, Gengbin Zheng, Chee Wai Lee, Sameer Kumar

2 2 Motivation  Performance optimization is increasingly challenging –Modern applications are complex and dynamic –Some may involve small amount of computation per step –Performance issues and obstacles change:  Need very good Performance Analysis tools –Feedback at the level of applications –Analysis capabilities –Scalable views –Automatic instrumentation

3 3 Projections  Outline: –Projections: trace generation –Projections: views –Case Study: NAMD, Molecular Dynamics program that won a Gordon Bell award at SC’02 by scaling MD for biomolecules to 3,000 procs –Case Study: CPAIMD, a Car-parrinello ab initio MD application. –Performance Analysis on next generation supercomputers: Challenges.

4 4 Trace Generation  Automatic instrumentation by runtime system  Detailed –In the log mode each event is recorded in full detail (including timestamp) in an internal buffer.  Summary –reduces the size of output files and memory overhead. –It produces (in the default mode) a few lines of output data per processor. –This data is recorded in bins corresponding to intervals of size 1ms by default.  Flexible –APIs and runtime options for instrumenting user events and data generation control.

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6 6 Post mortem analysis: views  Utilization Graph –As a function of time interval or processor –Shows processor utilization –As well as: time spent on specific parallel methods  Timeline: –upshot-like, but more details –Pop-up views of method execution, message arrows, user-level events  Profile: stacked graphs: –For a given period, breakdown of the time on each processor Includes idle time, and message-sending, receiving times

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8 8 Projections Views: continued  Overview –Like a timeline, but includes all processors, and all time! –Each pixel (x,y) represents utilization of processor y at time x  Histogram of method execution times –How many method-execution instances had a time of 0- 1 ms? 1-2 ms?..  Performance counters –Associated with each entry method –Usual counters, interface to PAPI

9 9 Projections and Performance Analysis  Identify performance bottlenecks.  Verification of performance.

10 10 Case Studies: Outline  We illustrate the use of Projections –Through case studies of NAMD & CPAIMD. –Illustrate the use of different visualization options. –Show performance debugging methodology.

11 11 NAMD: A Production MD program NAMD Fully featured program NIH-funded development Distributed free of charge (~5000 downloads so far) Binaries and source code Installed at NSF centers User training and support Large published simulations (e.g., aquaporin simulation featured in SC’02 keynote) Collaboration with K. Schulten, R. Skeel, and co-workers

12 12 Molecular Dynamics in NAMD  Collection of [charged] atoms, with bonds –Newtonian mechanics –Thousands of atoms (10,000 - 500,000)  At each time-step –Calculate forces on each atom Bonds: Non-bonded: electrostatic and van der Waal’s –Short-distance: every timestep –Long-distance: using PME (3D FFT) –Multiple Time Stepping : PME every 4 timesteps –Calculate velocities and advance positions  Challenge: femtosecond time-step, millions needed!

13 13 700 VPs 192 + 144 VP s 30,000 VPs NAMD Parallelization using Charm++ with PME These 30,000+ Virtual Processors (VPs) are mapped to real processors by charm runtime system

14 14 Grainsize Issues  A variant of Amdahl’s law, for objects: –The fastest time can be no shorter than the time for the biggest single object! –Lesson from previous efforts  Splitting computation objects: –30,000 nonbonded compute objects –Instead of approx 10,000

15 15 Mode: 700 us Distribution of execution times of non-bonded force computation objects (over 24 steps)

16 16 Effect of Multicast Optimization on Integration Overhead By eliminating overhead of message copying and allocation. Message Packing Overhead and Multicast

17 17 Processor Utilization against Time on 128 and 1024 processors On 128 processor, a single load balancing step suffices, but On 1024 processors, we need a “refinement” step. Load Balancing Aggressive Load Balancing Refinement Load Balancing

18 18 Load Balancing Steps Regular Timesteps Instrumented Timesteps Detailed, aggressive Load Balancing : object migration Refinement Load Balancing

19 19 Processor Utilization across processors after (a) greedy load balancing and (b) refining. Note that the underloaded processors are left underloaded (as they don’t impact performance); refinement deals only with the overloaded ones Some overloaded processors

20 20 Benefits of Avoiding Barrier  Problem with barriers: –Not the direct cost of the operation itself as much –But it prevents the program from adjusting to small variations E.g. K phases, separated by barriers (or scalar reductions) Load is effectively balanced. But –In each phase, there may be slight non-determistic load imbalance –Let Li,j be the load on I’th processor in j’th phase With barrier:Without:

21 21 100 milliseconds

22 22 Handling Stretches  Challenge –NAMD still did not scale well to 3000 procs with 4 procs per node –due to stretches : inexplicable increase in compute time or communication gaps at random (but few) points –Stretches caused by: Operating system, file system and resource management daemons interfering with the job –Badly configured network API Messages waiting for the rendezvous of the previous message to be acknowledged, leading to stretches in the ISends  Managing stretches –Use blocking receives –Giving OS time when the job process is idle, to run daemons –Fine tuning the network layer

23 23 Stretched Computations  Jitter in computes up to 80ms –On 1000+ processors using 4 processors per node –NAMD ATPase 3000 processors time steps of 12 ms –Within that time: each processor sends and receives : Approximately 60-70 messages of 4-6 KB each –OS Context switch time is 10 ms –OS and Communication layer can have “hiccups” “Hiccups” termed as stretches –Stretches can be a large performance impediment

24 24 Stretch Removal Histogram Views Number of function executions vs. their granularity Note: log scale on Y-axis Before Optimizations Over 16 large stretched calls After Optimizations About 5 large stretched calls, largest of them much smaller, and almost all calls take less than 3.2 ms

25 25 Activity Priorities  Identified a portion of CPAIMD that ran too early via the Time Profile tool.

26 26 Serial Performance  The use of performance counters helped identify serial performance issues like cache performance.  Projections makes use of PAPI to measure performance counters.

27 27 Challenges Ahead  Scalable Performance Data generation –Meaningful restrictions on Trace data generation. –Data compression. –Online analysis.  Scalable Performance Visualization –Automatic identification of performance problems.

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