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By: Felicity Inthisone, Clayton Lopez, Tyler Seymour, and Marshall Gonzales.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Felicity Inthisone, Clayton Lopez, Tyler Seymour, and Marshall Gonzales."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Felicity Inthisone, Clayton Lopez, Tyler Seymour, and Marshall Gonzales

2 Henry Moseley

3 1913 University of Manchester used a self-built equipment to prove that the number of protons determine an element’s identity (atomic number) Discoveries

4 Before, atomic number was based on atomic mass Development of Moseley’s law, which justifies the organization of the periodic method Systematic mathematical relationship between the wavelengths of the X-rays produced and the atomic numbers Discovery of unknown elements: technetium, promethium, hafnium, and rhenium New non-destructive method to find out which elements are present in any sample Supported conceptions of the atom made by Ernest Rutherford and Antonius van den Broek Scientific Facts

5 Was born on November 23, 1887 Died on August 10, 1915 at 27 in Gallipoli, Ottoman Empire Eton College- won a scholarship and at age 18, he won physics and chemistry prizes Rutherford took him under his wing after his attendance at Oxford. The funny thing is their personalities were totally opposite. In 1914 the beginning of World War I, he signed up as a volunteer in the British Army’s Royal Engineers Random Facts

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