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The Indonesian Experience: Government and civil society partnership model for expanding coverage of harm reduction Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, MPH Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Indonesian Experience: Government and civil society partnership model for expanding coverage of harm reduction Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, MPH Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Indonesian Experience: Government and civil society partnership model for expanding coverage of harm reduction Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, MPH Secretary to the National AIDS Commission Presented at UN RTF ICAAP SYMPOSIA

2 Twin epidemic of drugs and AIDS: o IDU driven, almost all provinces are reporting a growing drug user community Issues:

3 Criminalization of drug users  Prohibitive drug laws 5 and 22/1997  Drug users are a covert & underground community, unprotected by the public system, isolated from society  Prisons are filled with young drug users, increasing vulnerability to HIV, Hep C, sexual abuse, etc  No access to health care  fear of arrest + stigma & discrimination from health providers Issues:

4 o [1999- 2006] drug users as a community not recognized by government; programs  very little consultation; drug users mere projects’ targets not involved in any form of planning; o Presidential Regulation75 /2006 about Nat. AIDS Comm  Civil society rep. : equal members of the Commission  Drug users, PLHIV, sex workers, academics, etc. all active & participating members in policy making meetings The journey towards partnership

5 o Coord Min for People’s Welfare/ Chair NAC: reg 2/2007: “harm reduction” = public policy for HIV prev and care for people who inject drugs  IDUs NOT criminals, they have Human Rights  Then there was the drug users movement: - local communities organized themselves - a national network was established (2007) - consistently providing inputs to ensure the public health system accommodates drug users needs The journey towards partnership

6 It took the realization from both parties, government and civil society : The government… o drug users = citizens, protected from human rights violation, violence, abuse and any form of discrimination o drug users (in and out of prisons) are not denied their human rights, including the right to life, education, health care etc

7 Civil society… oeducated itself concerning civic rights and obligations obecame contributing members of society, monitors the running of the public ‘engine’: social, economic, legal, health, etc oLearned to become an agent of change when system doesn’t accommodate their needs It took the realization from both parties, government and civil society:

8 o Org & financial support to the National Drug Users Network, incl Drug Users Congress 2007 & 2009 o NAC established: (WG) gender & human rights  all elements of civil society: legal aid, human rights group, women’s movement groups, etc. o HR WG all levels: Aids Comm, Health, Police, Narc Board, CSO, Org Drug victims, prison officials, etc  for planning, coordination, M&E o Together: Govt, CSO, drug users, PLHIV networks, support efforts for drug law reform Indonesian drug users communities actively involved in policy making processes from national to the local levels

9 o The government’s commitment and support to universal access for prevention and care: o  domestic resources : e.g. Jakarta supports all public health centres for NSP and some including MMT, Pontianak, Mataram, etc o Increasing coverage, particularly among drug users (+ IPF, GFATM, AUSAID) Combining forces to scale up….

10 Source: NAC NSP until Dec 2008

11 Source: NAC MMT – Dec 2008

12 The trust of the people in the leaders reflects the confidence of the leaders in the people. Paulo Freire Terima kasih Thank you

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