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Trans. U.S. Final Review. Questions: 1. What date did the stock market crash? October 29, 1929 2. This date became known as: Black Tuesday 3. The three.

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Presentation on theme: "Trans. U.S. Final Review. Questions: 1. What date did the stock market crash? October 29, 1929 2. This date became known as: Black Tuesday 3. The three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trans. U.S. Final Review

2 Questions: 1. What date did the stock market crash? October 29, 1929 2. This date became known as: Black Tuesday 3. The three presidents of the 1920’s were all from which political party? Republican 4. Shanty towns that were high in crime and poverty were called: Hoovervilles

3 Questions: 5. Who was elected president in 1932? Franklin D. Roosevelt 6. What political party was he from? Democrat 7. What was the name of the programs he tried to have to help with the Depression? New Deal 8. What were the three R’s? Relief, Recovery, Reform

4 Questions: 9. Which New Deal Program helped the elderly and retired? Social Security 10. How were banks effected by the depression? Bank runs-people took their money out, people could not pay back loans 11. If you were young and unmarried during the depression what New Deal program helped you? CCC-Civilian Conservation Corps.

5 Questions: 12.What happened at the Bonus March with the Bonus Army under President Hoover? The president called out the army and violence erupted 13.What did the FDIC do? It insured bank deposits up to $5000 to get people to trust banks 14.How did the Great Depression affect women and African Americans? Increased discrimination, accused women of taking jobs form men

6 Questions: 15.What battle is shown in this picture? Iwo Jima 16.Who was the fascist leader of Italy during WWII? Mussolini 17.What role did Spain play in WWII? Neutral 18.Why? They were fighting a civil war

7 Questions: 19.Who is represented in this picture? Rosie the Riveter 20.What date did Pearl Harbor happened? Dec. 7, 1941 21.What was the battle to free France? D-day, Normandy, Operation Overlord 22.After D-day, the Germans had a counterattack at: The Battle of the Bulge 23.What were conditions like at the Battle of the Bulge? Cold, snowy

8 Questions: 24.What are three ways U.S. citizens at the home front can help the war effort? Ration, join military, grow victory gardens, do scrap metal or fat collections, buy bonds 25.Japanese suicide bombers who flew their planes into ships were called: Kamikazes 26.Who was the emperor of Japan? Hirohito

9 Questions: 27.Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? Hitler 28.Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain? Winston Churchill 29.Who was the U.S. president until his death in 1945? FDR 30.Which president had to make the decision to drop the bomb on Japan? Truman

10 Questions: 31.True/False African Americans were allowed to fight alongside whites in WWII. False 32.True/False Women were allowed to fight in combat in WWII. False

11 Questions: 33.What groups of Americans were put in internment camps during WWII? Japanese Americans 34.Why? Fear of sabotage/spies/loyalty to Japan 35.What happened to Mussolini? He was captured by the people trying to escape from jail, was killed and hang by his feet from a gas station

12 Questions: 36.What happened to Hitler at the end of the war? He committed suicide by shooting himself 37.The political policy of putting the nation over the individual in which a country often has a salute, symbol and title for their leader is called: Fascism 38.The policy of not getting involved in the affairs of other countries is called: Isolationism 39.In the beginning, France and Great Britain practiced a policy of _______________ in which they gave into Hitler’s demands. Appeasement

13 Questions: 40.The killing of 6 million Jews during WWII is called the: Holocaust 41.Name three groups that Hitler targeted during WWII. Jews, gypsies, handicap, homosexuals 42.The Allied strategy against the Japanese was called: Island hopping 43.The code name for the building of the atomic bomb was called: Manhattan Project

14 Questions: 44.Why did the U.S. drop the bomb on Japan? To shorten the war and save American lives 45.What was the affect of dropping the atomic bomb? Destroyed building, killed 10,000’s of people, people also died later of radiation poisoning/got cancers/birth defects

15 Questions: 46.What year did the war end? 1945 47.WWII started with the invasion of what country? Poland 48.Name four Axis Powers. Germany, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania 49.Name five Allied Powers. France, Great Britain, U.S., China, Soviet Union

16 Questions: 50.The U.S. dropped atomic bombs on which two Japanese cities? Hiroshima and Nagasaki 51.The German strategy of bombing an area with sudden attacks by air and land is called: Blitzkrieg 52.Name three items that were rationed during WWII. Nylon, rubber, metal, wood, gas, red meat, canned items, sugar, coffee

17 Questions: 53.What role did women play in the 1950’s? Housewives 54.What impact did Joe McCarthy have on society in the 1950’s? He spread the fear of communism 55.What was the result of the Korean War? Korea stayed divided almost exactly where it had been

18 Questions: 56.What parallel divided North and South Korea? 38 th 57.What country launched the first satellite successfully into space? What was its name? Soviet Union/Sputnik 58.What were three factors that led to suburban growth in the 1950’s? GI Bill, affordable housing like Levittowns, baby boom 59.Who said “An Iron Curtain has descended across Europe”? Winston Churchill

19 Questions: 60.The fear of one country falling to communism and then its neighbor is called: Domino Theory 61.Name three countries who were part of the Warsaw Pact. Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany 62.Which part of the country in the 1950’s had Jim Crow Laws? South 63.Which group did Caesar Chavez help fight for rights? Migrant farm workers

20 Questions: 64.Who was Jackie Robinson? First African American baseball player in major leagues 65.Who was the communist leader of North Vietnam in the 1960’s? Ho Chi Minh 66.What was the capital of South Vietnam? Saigon 67.What amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote? 26th

21 Questions: 68.Why did the U.S. invade Iraq in 2003? We thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction 69.Who was the mastermind of the 9/11 attack? Osama bin Laden 70.Why was Nixon forced to resign? Watergate Scandal 71.Which Supreme Court case legalized abortion? Roe v. Wade

22 Questions: 72.How did t.v. change American’s view of the Vietnam War? They became more critical of it 73.Which president escalated the Vietnam War? L.B.J. 74.Law gave equal rights to girls sports teams in schools in the 1970’s? Title IX 75.Why did the US invade Iraq during Operation desert Storm in 1991? Because Iraq invaded its neighboring country of Kuwait 76.Why is the U.S. interested in the Middle East? oil

23 Questions: 77.What did OPEC do to the US in the 1970’s? Put an embargo on oil and caused an oil crisis 78.What was SALT? It was an agreement between the U.S. and the Soviets to limit arms testing 79. The Camp David Accords involved negotiating peace between which two countries? Israel and Egypt 80.Who was president at the time? Carter

24 Questions: 81. What disease became an epidemic in the 1980’s? AIDS 82. What was Woodstock? A peaceful concert in NY for hippies 83. Who killed J.F.K? Lee Harvey Oswald 84. What did Eisenhower do in response to Little Rock Nine? He called out the U.S. army to escort the nine students into school

25 Questions: 85. What is Vietnamization? The policy under Nixon to pull U.S. troops out of Vietnam 86. What impact did Tet Offensive have on the Vietnam War? Americans became more critical of the war and thought we couldn’t win

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