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SAT Word List 11 Quiz Date: 4/15/11.

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1 SAT Word List 11 Quiz Date: 4/15/11

2 Camaraderie- comradeship; friendship

3 Pacifist- one who is in opposition of war and violence

4 Quaff- to drink heartily

5 Jaunt- a short pleasure trip

6 Ebullience- enthusiastic; bubbling with excitement

7 Defunct- dead or inactive; having ceased to exist

8 Obtrude- to impose oneself or one’s ideas on others; to stick out

9 Hearten- to give strength, courage, or hope; to encourage

10 Raffish- cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disreputable

11 Fetter- to restrain; to hamper; a shackle

12 Maladroit- clumsy; inept

13 Saga- long story, often telling the history of a family

14 Kismet- fate

15 Iconoclast- one who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions

16 Abashed- ashamed or embarrassed

17 Lackadaisical- showing lack of interest; listless

18 Gambit- to take a risk for some advantage

19 Baleful- threatening; hurtful; malignant; ominous

20 Nemesis- an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome

21 Tantalize- to excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; to tease

22 10 Minutes: Read & Analyze in Groups
Why did the Devil go down to Georgia? How does Johnny interact with him? Is Johnny wrong for challenging the Devil? What would have happened to Johnny if he had lost? Why was he so confident? What do you think the “moral” of the story is? What can you learn from it? Why is this song still very popular all over the world, even though it was written in the American south in the 1970s?

23 1. There is a devil who tries to trick people.

24 2. Having lots of money is the main goal people in our society have today.

25 3. People, in all cultures, have always been motivated by greed.

26 4. Integrity is more important than money.

27 5. When you get married, what you have should become your spouse’s, and vice versa.

28 6. It is okay to lie to your spouse if the lie will not hurt him or her.

29 Class Reading “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washington Irving
Pgs Colonial Massachusetts Tom Walker- opportunity to attain wealth, makes a pact with the devil Gets greedy and miserable

30 Pre-Reading: Things to Look For
What does the devil offer Tom Walker? What happens to Tom’s wife? What agreement does Tom make with the devil? Why does Tom begin to go to church and carry a Bible with him? Do you feel that Tom deserved his fate? How has Tom’s life changed? Why do you think this story is popular, even though it was written so long ago? How does this compare to “Devil Went Down to Georgia”? Why is the Devil a prominent character in American literature?

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