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Tool-support for Invariant-based Specification, Synthesis, and Verification of Synchronization in Concurrent Java Programs M.S. Defense William Deng Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Tool-support for Invariant-based Specification, Synthesis, and Verification of Synchronization in Concurrent Java Programs M.S. Defense William Deng Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tool-support for Invariant-based Specification, Synthesis, and Verification of Synchronization in Concurrent Java Programs M.S. Defense William Deng Department of Computing and Information Sciences Kansas State University

2 Goals of the Project II. Automatic derivation and weaving of synchronization code … multiple language and synchronization targets (Java, C++, monitors, semaphores, etc.) … weaving & optimization via abstract interpretation and program specialization techniques III. Automatic verification of critical safety and liveness properties of woven embedded code … domain-specific model-checking engines … built on previous DARPA work – Bandera environment I. Provide high-level, modular specification of global synchronization aspects … integrated with UML/RUP … formal specification via global invariants … language of composable invariant patterns … powerful, yet easy to use IV. Evaluation using Boeing BOLDSTROKE platform and military networking target vehicle electronics (CDA101)

3 My Contributions III. Automatic verification of critical safety and liveness properties of woven embedded code … Designed and implemented bounded counter version (coarse & fine grain) I. Provide high-level, modular specification of global synchronization aspects … Implemented formula & pattern-based specification language … Designed web pages to guide users in synchronization specification II. Automatic derivation and weaving of synchronization code … Designed and implemented translation from specifications to coarse-grain solution … Implemented translation to Java fine-grain solution … Implemented language- independent weaving process … Designed and implemented an approach for specific synchronization

4 SyncGen Tool Architecture Both coarse-grain and fine-grain solutions are synthesized + Invariant Fine-grain Java Representation Generator Intermediate Representation Generator + guarded + Core code Synchronization aspect

5 SyncGen Context UML Tools Synchronization Aspect Specification Tool Intermediate Representation Generator Solver/ Prover Course-grain solution Synchronization Aspect Back-end Bandera Analysis & Transformation Fine-grain solution Specialization Engine Bandera Safety Properties Liveness Properties Code Weaver Optimized Woven Code Invariant & Region tags Functional Core Code Templates (Java, C++, …) Template Instantiation Traditional Development Environment Functional Core Code (Java, C++, …) Finite State Models

6 Outline Coarse-grain solution generation –Guards Formula-based Pattern-based –Notification Formula/Pattern-based Specific synchronization Bounded Counter Version Open Issues Conclusion

7 Gyroscope/Rudder Synchronization Gyroscope Controller Buffer ProduceConsume Produce Rudder Controller RGRG R Gyroscope Value Resource(R G,1,R R,1,0) Empty Buffer Slot Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) Exclusion(R G,R R ) Resource(R G,1,R R,1,0) + Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) + Exclusion(R G,R R ) Invariant:

8 Coarse-grain Solution for Guards --- Formula-based Generation Resource(R G,1,R R,1,0) + Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) + Exclusion(R G,R R ) Invariant: Resource(R G,1,R R,1,0) R_in <= G_out (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in <= R_out + 1) && ((G_in == G_out) || (R_in == R_out)) Desugared Invariant: Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) Exclusion(R G,R R ) G_in <= R_out + 1 (G_in == G_out) || (R_in == R_out) …producer out …consumer in

9 Generating Coarse-grain Solution G_in++ …invariant I holds here …want I to hold here Task: generate a condition B that ensures that I holds after counter increment. Step 1: generate weakest-precondition(G_in++,I) (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in <= R_out + 1) && ((G_in == G_out) || (R_in == R_out)) (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out + 1) && ((G_in+1 == G_out) || (R_in == R_out)) Substitute G_in+1 for G_in G_in++>

10 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Step 2: simplify using decision procedures 1.Convert to disjunctive normal form 2.Eliminate disjuncts that are can never be satisfied using decision procedures 3.Minimize remaining conjuncts using decision procedures Example: (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (G_in+1 == G_out) || (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) 1. (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) 2. (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) 3. Main point: fine a smaller B’ such that B’ && I && A B && I && A.

11 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Step 2.1: convert to disjunctive normal form (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out + 1) && ((G_in+1 == G_out) || (R_in == R_out)) (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (G_in+1 == G_out) || (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out)

12 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Step 2.2: eliminate unsatisfiable disjuncts (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (G_in+1 == G_out) || (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) Intuition: before entrance to region, we know I holds and we know that A holds where A represents some basic properties on counters A = R_in >= 0 && R_out >= 0 && R_in >= R_out && G_in >= 0 && G_out >= 0 && G_in >= G_out (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) For each disjunct D_k, ask theorem prover to check not(I && A && D_k). If return is true then D_k can be eliminated.

13 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Step 2.3: minimize remaining disjuncts (R_in <= G_out) && (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out) Some of conjuncts in the remaining disjuncts are redundant. For each C_k in D_j, if (I && A && (D_j – C_k) => C_k) then C_k can be removed. (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out)

14 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Pattern Based Approach Apply the process for each pattern: For pattern P(R_1,R_2,…,R_n) SubregionGuard R_i entrywp(In_i++,I) R_i exitwp(Out_i++,I)

15 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Bound Apply the process for Bound pattern: Bound(R,n): I = In – Out <= n SubregionGuard R entry wp(In++, In – Out <= n) = (In + 1) – Out <= n R exit wp(Out++, In – Out <= n) = In – (Out + 1) <= n ´ True

16 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Exclusion Apply the process for Exclusion pattern: Exclusion(R_1,R_2,…,R_n): I = Ç C 2 Comb(n, n-1) ( Æ i 2 C (In_i - Out_i == 0)) SubregionGuard R_i entry wp(In_i++,I) = Æ 1 · j · n Æ j  i (In_j – Out_j == 0) R_i exit wp(Out_i++,I) = true

17 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Resource Apply the process for Resource pattern: Resource(R_p,N_p,R_c,N_c,n): I = In_c*N_c – Out_p*N_p <= n SubregionGuard R_p entry wp(In_p++,I) = true R_p exit wp(Out_p++,I) = true R_c entry wp(In_c++,I) = In_c*N_c – Out_p*N_p <= n – N_c R_c exit wp(Out_c++,I) = true

18 Generating Coarse-grain Solution --- Building Guards From Relevant Patterns P_1(……) + P_2(……) +... + P_n(……) Invariant : Each pattern instance contributes a portion of the guard R Counter++ Counter++> Intuitively, if R does not appear in P_i, then B_i is true Why this is correct? wp(S,I_1 &&…&&I_n) = wp(S,I_1) && … wp(S,I_n)

19 Generating Coarse-grain Solution Pattern Based Approach Compared with result generated by formula G_in++ G_in++> Resource(R G,1,R R,1,1,0) B_1 = true Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) B_2 = G_in-R_out <=0 Exclusion(R G,R R ) B_3 = R_in == R_out B = B_1 && B_2 && B_3 = G_in – R_out <= 0 && R_in == R_out Example: the entry of gyroscope region B’ = (G_in+1 <= R_out+1) && (R_in == R_out)

20 Assessment In essence, we have performed the formula- based calculation statically to create guard schemas which are then instantiated when a pattern is used Efficient no need to call DP, convert to DNF, etc. Easy to optimize for example: for Bound(R,1), the guard of the entry of R should be in +1 <= out +1 generated by formula; in == out by pattern.

21 Notification Information If a counter C_1 increment can cause an await statement A transition from false to true, then there should be a notify/notifyall issue to A. A: C_2++> B: {P}C_1++{Q} Observation: we can calculate Q as the strong postcondition: sp(C_1++,P); P can be I&&G (G is the guard of B). Thus if Q implies B_2, we should issue notify/notifyall.

22 Notification Information Example: Readers/Writers Problem In_r ++> Reader Entry Reader Exit { In_w - Out_w == 0 && In_r - Out_r >= 1 } { In_w - Out_w == 0 && In_r - Out_r >= 0 } Writer Entry In_w ++> Notify reader entry? Writer Exit { In_w - Out_w == 1 && In_r - Out_r == 0 } { In_w - Out_w == 0 && In_r - Out_r == 0 } Notify writer entry Notifyall reader enter Notify writer entry

23 Notification Information P_1 Not (P_2 implies P_1) If Q_2 implies P_1 Then S_2 needs to notify S_1 S_2 P_2 Q_1 Q_2 S_1 Q_2 = sp(S_2, P_2) Generalize sp to sp n (S_2,P_2) If exists n s.t. sp n (S_2,P_2) implies P_1 Then S_2 should notify/notifyall S_1. We want to decide the notification information from S_2 to S_1

24 Notifyall vs. Notify 1. Resource(R_p,3,R_c,1,0): one enables three. 2. Resource(R_p,3,R_c,2,0): two enables three. 3. Exclusion(R_1,…,R_n): when (In_i – Out_i == 0)… Three cases for Notifyall: Cases 1 and 2 are normal: Case 3 is sort of burst: Three cases for Notify: 1. Writer exit to writer entry in Readers/writers: one enables one. 2. Resource(R_p,1,R_c,3,0): three enables one. 3. Group(R1,1,…,Rn,Nn): Ni enables one for R1… Formalize notifyall (from S_2 to S_1):

25 Notification Information Generation for Bound P_1 = In_B–Out_B<=n-1 Not (P_2 implies P_1) Q_2 implies P_1 Out_B++ P_2 = In_B–Out_B<=n Q_1 = In_B–Out_B<=n Q_2 = In_B–Out_B<=n-1 In_B++ Entry Exit …belongs to the case 1 of notify (one out let one enter). Thus a notify from the exit to the entry.

26 Notification Information for Exclusion Pattern Exclusion(R_1,R_2,…,R_n): SubregionNotification Information R_i entryNone R_i exitNotifyall R_j entry where i != j

27 Notification Information for Resource Pattern For pattern Resource(R_p,N_p,R_c,N_c,n): SubregionNotification Information R_p entryNone R_p exitNotifyall case 1: N_p/N_c >= 2; case 2: if 2>N_p/N_c>1. The exit of R_p to the entry of R_c. Notify case 1: if N_p/N_c =1; case 2, if N_p/N_c < 1. R_c entryNone R_c exitNone

28 Notification Information for Other Patterns-- Summary Exclusion(R1,R2,..,Rn) Notifyall case 3: from the exit of Ri to the entry of Rj (i != j) Resource(R_p,N_p,R_c,N_c,N) Notifyall case 1: N_p/N_c >= 2; case 2: if 2>N_p/N_c>1. The exit of R_p to the entry of R_c. Notify case 1: if N_p/N_c =1; case 2, if N_p/N_c < 1. Barrier(R1,R2) Notify case 1, the entry of R1 notify the exit of R2. Same for R2. Relay(R1,R2) Notify case 1, the entry R1 notify the exit of R2. Group(R1,N1,..,Rn,Nn) Notifyall case 3: if Nj>1, the entry of Ri notifyall the exit of Rj. Notify case 3, if Nj=1.

29 Notification Information for Gyroscope/Rudder Resource(R G,1,R R,1,1,0) The exit of R_G notify the entry of R_R Resource(R R,1,R G,1,1) Exclusion(R G,R R ) The exit of R_R notifyall the entry of R_G; The exit of R_G notifyall the entry of R_R. The exit of R_R notify the entry of R_G Overall effect The exit of R_R notify the entry of R_G; The exit of R_G notify the entry of R_R.

30 Specific Synchronization R_B1 R_B2 R_B3 R_C1 R_C2 R_C3 R_C4 R_C5 Barber Thread Customer Thread fetch inform leave B1 B2 C1C2 Specific groups: 0: B1 and C1; 1: B2 and C2. Problem: monitor can not differentiate B1 and B2. 1.Strength monitor to keep track of the relation? 2.Use object (multiple copies) instead of static method (one copy) to keep the relation. Relation: threads -> specific group Solution:

31 Implementation of Specific Synchronization Main (init) Component Threads SynManager Cluster Objects initializes call calls Component Threads Cluster Classes call Current Implementation: Proposed approach: use a central controller, SynManager

32 Implementation of Specific Synchronization Cont. Forming Cluster synchronization transition: code 1.builds an array of cluster names; 2.specifies synchronization (anonymous, forming, specific, or dissolving) for each cluster; 3.defines actors (the types of threads); 4.specifies specific group; 5.provides the maximum number of specific groups. User has to provide in main Specific Inform Anonymous Fetch Dissolving leave 0 1 B1 C1 B2 C2 Specific group -> cluster instances Threads -> specific group index Cluster Instances

33 Bounded Counter Version Problem: unbounded In/Out counters…partial state space check Bounded counter solution to check state space exhaustively. PatternBounded Counter BoundB = In - Out ExclusionE_i = In_i – Out_i ResourceR_pc = In_c*N_c - Out_p*N_p

34 Example: Readers/Writers Problem CLUSTER: RW STATE SPACE VARIABLES: E1_0, E1_1, B1; LOCAL VARIABLES: ; REGION: Reader ENTER: E1_0++;> NOTIFY: ; NOTIFYALL: ; EXIT: NOTIFY: ; NOTIFYALL: Writer_in; REGION: Writer ENTER: E1_1++;B1++;> NOTIFY: ; NOTIFYALL: ; EXIT: NOTIFY: Writer_in; NOTIFYALL: Reader_in;

35 Open Issues Exception handling Deadlock checking of SyncGen output Problem: nested or overlapping regions. Suggested solution: for nested or overlapping regions check B_1 && B_2… && B_n != false. Scheduling issues: priorities Responses: balking and timeout …

36 Conclusion Successfully implemented Mizuno’s approach Developed the bounded counter version solution for model checking Proposed an implementation for specific synchronization

37 To Do List Web-pages, manual, and tutorial Tutorial lecture for CIS720 Clean up code for release

38 Questions? Comments?

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