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The Plasma Membrane Section 7.2 p.175-178.

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1 The Plasma Membrane Section 7.2 p

2 Maintaining a Balance All living cells must maintain a balance regardless of internal + external conditions Survival depends on the cell’s ability to maintain proper conditions within itself

3 Why cells must control materials
Cells need nutrients to function Glucose Amino acids Lipids Must enter through the plasma membrane The flexible boundary between the cell + its environment

4 Why cells must control materials
Substances such as wastes + products must leave through the plasma membrane Substances enter + leave to maintain homeostasis Selectively permeable Ability to allow some molecule to pass through while keeping others out Examples Water vs. Na+ ions

5 Selectively Permeable

6 Structure of the Plasma Membrane
Recall – LIPIDS (Fatty Acids + glycerol) Phospholipid Two fatty acids, glycerol, + a phosphate group Plasma membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer

7 The Phospholipid bilayer
Fatty acids “tails” are hydrophobic Don’t want to interact with water Phosphate group “head” is hydrophilic Wants to interact with water Creates a barrier that regulates the ease in which substances cross the plasma membrane

8 Fluid Mosaic Model The proteins embedded in the bilayer create the “mosaic” The phospholipids move within the membrane (like a fluid)

9 Other components of the P.M.
Cholesterol Helps to stabilize the phospholipids by preventing their FA’s from sticking together

10 Other components of the P.M.
Proteins Transport Move substances through PM Markers Identify chemical signals + each other Inner surface Gives cell’s structure flexibility

11 A video clip…. Plasma Membrane

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