What you need to know about changes in state requirements for Teval plans.

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Presentation on theme: "What you need to know about changes in state requirements for Teval plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 What you need to know about changes in state requirements for Teval plans

2  State guidelines, determined by PEAC  District models must be consistent with state  Plans must include multiple indicators of student academic growth  Evaluation plans must include advice and assistance of teachers’ and administrators’ collective bargaining representatives

3  Mandatory use of a rating system ◦ Exemplary, proficient, developing, below standard  Mandatory training on the evaluation system ◦ For teachers being evaluated and administrators performing evaluations  Mandatory remediation plans for “developing” and “below standard” teachers  Annual evaluations of all teachers and administrators  Development of pilot and support programs

4  Currently, TPS uses “meets standards” or “needs improvement” rating system  New Haven uses five levels: exemplary, strong, effective, developing, needs improvement  The Danielson Teaching Framework uses four: distinguished, proficient, basic, unsatisfactory  CT also includes an option for a “distinguished educator” status  Validation procedure for exemplary and below standard ratings (third party audit)

5  PD on the actual evaluation model  PD based on individual or group needs identified through evaluations  Oriented towards career development and professional growth

6  Developed with affected employee and union representation  Identifies resources, supports, experiences, and other methods to improve  Sets a clear timeline within the school year  Identifies success indicators, including a minimum rating of proficient, by the end of the plan  State determined timeline for termination for ineffectiveness if necessary

7  Documentation of teacher strengths  Areas needing improvement  Improvement strategies  Multiple indicators of student academic growth  Minimum goal setting and summative evaluation, possible formative evaluations

8  8-10 districts will be selected to pilot new teval plans  Identify technical assistance districts will need to implement new plans  Train teachers on model and train administrators on conducting evaluations  Neag School of Education will conduct a study of pilot programs to make recommendations

9  45% multiple student learning indicators ◦ One-half based on state test for those teaching tested grades and subjects  5% whole school learning indicators or student feedback  40% observations of teacher performance or practice  10% peer or parent feedback surveys

10  Observation rated against a standards-based rubric (Danielson?)  Result in timely and useful feedback  Evaluators must be trained in how to observe, score, and provide feedback

11  Multiple data points that are fair, reliable, and useful  A minimum number of indicators for all  Safeguards for student, teacher, and school characteristics, attendance, and mobility  Explanation for how indicators selected and assessed

12  TPS plan needs to be revised by committee including TEA representation to add additional rating levels  TPS needs to adapt state rubric or develop one consistent with legislative guidelines  All administrators will need training on state required elements, including observation rubric  All teachers will need training on contents of the revised plan  District committee needs to identify criteria for student learning indicators  District must develop or adopt state model for school, student, peer, or parent input components

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