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Homework 13 Complete the flash card sheets to illustrate the key ideas about your population and settlement case studies One has been done for you, so.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework 13 Complete the flash card sheets to illustrate the key ideas about your population and settlement case studies One has been done for you, so."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework 13 Complete the flash card sheets to illustrate the key ideas about your population and settlement case studies One has been done for you, so you know what to do Rivers River’s long profile- River Tees/River Severn Flooding in Bangladesh Flooding in Australia/Yorkshire Coasts Holderness Coast-Features Holderness Coast-Coastal Management Use your notes, revision guides and the internet to help including

2 Holderness Coast - Coastal Management 2 Sentence Summary of the case study: There are groynes and Mappleton and Hornsea to trap sediment and build up a beach to protect the shore from erosion. There is also a sea wall at Hornsea to reflect the energy of the waves whereas in Aldborough, they are using managed retreat. PLCs (PLaCe facts: The Holderness coast is eroding at an average rate of 2m per year. This material was deposited by glaciers around 12,000 years ago. Groynes at Mappleton

3 Holderness Coast - Coastal Features The Holderness Coast is a coast on the east coast of England. The coasts total length is 37.9 miles. PLCs (PLaCe facts: A spit at Spurn Point A headland made of Chalk at Flamborough There are also caves, stacks and arches along the coastline

4 Rivers Long Profile – River Severn The River Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom. The Rivers source is at the highest point of the Cambrian Mountain range and its mouth is at the Bristol Channel. PLCs (PLaCe facts: The River Severn is about 220 miles long Source: Plynlimon (Wales) Mouth: Severn Estuary (Bristol Channel, England)

5 Flooding in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a developing country in Asia, many people are made homeless due to the high frequency and damage of the flooding. PLCs (PLaCe facts: In 2007 flooding made 9 million people homeless Bangladesh is prone to flooding due to heavy monsoon rains, increasing urban areas, deforestation and lots of low-lying land

6 Flooding in Australia Australian flooding usually occurs due to heavy rainfall – sometimes due to cyclones. It may also occur because of large rivers such as the Brisbane River having its banks broken. PLCs (PLaCe facts: Most flooding occurs in the states Queensland or Victoria

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