Opportunities & Challenges for Competition Reforms in E&S Africa CUTS Viewpoint Africa Stakeholders’ Workshop Africa Competition Forum 12 th March 2010,

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities & Challenges for Competition Reforms in E&S Africa CUTS Viewpoint Africa Stakeholders’ Workshop Africa Competition Forum 12 th March 2010,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities & Challenges for Competition Reforms in E&S Africa CUTS Viewpoint Africa Stakeholders’ Workshop Africa Competition Forum 12 th March 2010, Nairobi Rijit Sengupta

2 2 Outline of Presentation Introduction to CUTS International CUTS Competition Projects in Africa  Objectives  Countries  Key Messages Future Challenges Relating to Competition Select Future Projects in Africa Concluding Remarks

3 3 Introduction to CUTS International Genesis – consumer rights organisation Vision: Consumer sovereignty in the framework of social justice and equality within and across borders Landmarks in relevant CUTS activity  Involvement in competition reforms in India  Active programmes on competition policy and law issues in 30 countries of Africa and Asia  2 resource centres in Africa, 4 overall  Extensive contacts across SH groups, and partnerships with CSOs in Africa

4 4 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES  Sensitising ‘key stakeholders’ about benefits from competition reforms  Bottom up-approach (7Up Model)  Capacity building of multiple stakeholders on CPL  Mobilising CSO involvement in competition reforms  Collating baseline information on state of competition  Advocacy for evolution of CPL & enforcement  Attracting donor/IO attention to CPL

5 5 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES  PAST & PRESENT Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo  FUTURE Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia

6 6 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES  Very little political will  Low stakeholder demand (if at all)  Only a few interested donors  Interest exists among scholars/academia; no support  Business community not integrated into the process  Huge training and capacity building requirements  Very little/incorrect reporting in media (print & electr.)  Sensitisation of parliamentarians imperative

7 7 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES  Competition Authorities (CA) created, but lack capacity  Often inappropriate sequencing of cases by CA  Lack of capacity building opportunities for CA staff  Little or no clarity on interface issues  CA not able to establish strong linkages with consumers, vice-versa (affecting consumer support)

8 8 Future Challenges Relating to Competition Detailed socio-economic assessment of ACPs and dissemination of results (POLICY ADVOCACY) Integration of competition reforms into wider policy discourses (EXPANDING FRONTIERS) Regional Vs National Competition Laws (CLARITY) Competition reforms in post-EPAs (OPPORTUNITY) Governments need to support enforcement actions WORLD COMPETITION DAY!

9 9 Future Challenges Relating to Competition Long-term training/CB of CA staff Technical Assistance for new/young CAs (INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION) Integration of CPL into Univ./Management courses Continuous/long-term programmes for CB of key stakeholders in competition issues Support for consumer organisations (‘watchdogs’) Donor community/IGOs maintain/increase support Policy needs to be translated into administrative actions (WGs, Parliamentary Committee)

10 10 Select Competition Projects in Africa Capacity building of E&S African SH on Competition Assessment Framework (CAF) Target groups: practitioners and stakeholders Methodology:  Selection of project countries  Identification of resource persons (esp. from Africa/Asia)  Preparation of ToT for resource persons  Collection/preparation of ‘case studies’  Basic and advanced training on application of CA  Production of ‘country-specific handbooks’ (on application of CAF in 2-3 specific markets)

11 11 Select Competition Projects in Africa Building capacity and developing the environment for effective competition regimes in select MENA countries  Establish contacts with CSOs, CAs, other SH  Plan and undertake a scoping-mission  Develop baseline on prevailing state and challenges  Mobilise key SH to discuss competition reforms options  Enhance capacity of SH to engage on CPL issues  Initiate processes for participatory competition reforms  Establish forum for discourses on competition reforms  Link the national competition community to the outside

12 12 Concluding Remarks Need for Africa Competition Forum first recommended by CUTS in August 2008 Identified Functions/Roles of ACF  To take discussions on competition reforms outside the community related directly to CPL  Respond to capacity building needs of key SH on CPL in Africa  Provide a platform for discussing and addressing challenges in competition reforms faced by African nations  Foster international cooperation for competition reforms in Africa

13 13 Ahsante Sana! rsg@cuts.org www.cuts-ccier.org

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