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Cognitive Therapy Chapter 7. The Case of Steve 38-year-old single Caucasian male Referred to therapy through work-therapy program for recovering addicts.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Therapy Chapter 7. The Case of Steve 38-year-old single Caucasian male Referred to therapy through work-therapy program for recovering addicts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Therapy Chapter 7

2 The Case of Steve 38-year-old single Caucasian male Referred to therapy through work-therapy program for recovering addicts Previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder Reports a long history of alcohol abuse Wants to “get back on his feet”

3 Basic Philosophy Neutral position of human nature Constructivist A theory of psychological dysfunction

4 Human Motivation Humans are motivated toward survival and reproduction

5 Central Constructs The Cognitive Model Schemas Beliefs Automatic thoughts Modes Primal Constructive Minor

6 Theory of the Person Autonomy Sociotropy Protoschemas Orienting schema

7 Psychological Health and Dysfunction Psychological health Information processing that allows the individual to meet goals of survival, reproduction, and sociability Psychological dysfunction Cognitions, behaviors, and biochemistry all have some role Faulty schemas

8 Nature of Therapy Assessment Fully understand the client Determine if an organic syndrome is involved Assess need for hospitalization Role of the client Role of the counselor Goals for therapy

9 Process of Therapy Phase one Emphasis is on symptom reduction First session Establishing the working relationship Goal setting Socializing the client Guided discovery Phase two Exploration of schemas

10 Therapeutic Techniques Questioning Downward Arrow Thought Recording Behavioral Experiments Activity Scheduling Graded Tasks Assertiveness Training Problem Solving Imagery and Role Playing

11 Evaluation Qualities Precision Testability Empirical validity Research Support Outcome research Theory-testing research

12 Issues of Individual and Cultural Diversity Pros Structure and clarity Emphasis on logical thinking Cognitive control Counselor as teacher Active and directive Collaborative nature of counseling relationship Cons Focus on individualism Minimum attention given to environmental factors

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