Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR) 2005 Revisions for Implementing Common Measures.

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1 Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR) 2005 Revisions for Implementing Common Measures

2 2 Important Reminders In April 2005, ETA received emergency clearance from OMB on revisions to the TAA reporting system Emergency approval expires on 09/30/2005 On July XX, ETA published a Federal Register Notice seeking a 3-year approval from OMB 60-day public comment period ends on September 13, 2005 Submit all comments to the following: Dr. Esther R. Johnson, Administrator, Performance and Technology Office Employment and Training Administration US Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20210

3 3  Establish a core set of data elements, definitions, and specifications to describe the characteristics, activities, and outcomes of individuals served by the TAA program;  Enhance program management, budget development activities, and evaluation of the TAA program by facilitating the collection and reporting of consistent and comparable data on TAA participants; and  Better inform the Administration, Congress and other stakeholders about TAA program performance result. General Instructions Purpose of TAPR

4 4  Individual records on all TAA participants who exit the program  Contains information on participant characteristics, services/benefits, and outcomes achieved  Submitted electronically from states on a quarterly basis  No later than 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter of reporting  Comma-delimited file format General Instructions TAPR Submission Information Data used to prepare quarterly and annual performance reports

5 5  One TAPR file on each participant who exits the TAA program in the state  Unique identifiers must identify the same person in every period of participation and in every local/statewide program, including unique identifiers on the WIASRD  Entry into other partner programs (e.g., WIA, Labor Exchange) can extend period of participation in the TAA program  Establishes a common exit date for all programs  Measures performance at the same time General Instructions TAPR Submission Information

6 6  States will submit TAPR files 5 ½ calendar quarters after the “Quarter of exit”  “Quarter of reporting” indicates the quarter during which the state prepares the TAPR files for the exiters

7 7  Separated into three (3) major sections containing 58 total data elements I.Identification and Participant Characteristics II.Activity and Service Record III.Outcomes General Instructions TAPR Record Layout Overview Elemen t Name Sequenc e Number Data Type/ Field Size Coding Values Definitions/Reporting Instructions

8 8  State FIPS Code (Element #1)  Two-letter alpha code (e.g., AL)  No longer open text field for state name  Equal Opportunity Information (Elements #3 – 11)  Self-identified by the individual and voluntary  Ethnicity must be collected separately from and before race  Data collection forms must allow individuals to self-identify more than one category of race Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics

9 9 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005)1 = Yes 2 = Yes, Substantial Barrier to 2 = No Employment 3 = No1 = Yes 2 = No Record 0 or leave “blank” if not self-identified by customer Individual with a Disability (Element #5) Racial Categories (Elements #7 – 11) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics

10 10 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005)1 = Yes, < = 180 days 2 = Yes, > 180 days 2 = Yes, Eligible Veteran 3 = No3 = Other Eligible Person 4 = No 1 = Employed NOT CURRENTLY 2 = Employed, Received Notice COLLECTEDof Layoff 3 = No Eligible Veteran Status (Element #12) Employment Status at Participation (Element #13) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics

11 11 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005) 1 = Claimant1 = Claimant, WPRS Referral 2 = Exhaustee 2 = Claimant, Not WPRS Referral 3 = None3 = Exhaustee 4 = None Added the following new coding values: 87 = Completes 12 th grade and attains High School Diploma 88 = Completes 12 th grade and attains GED or equivalent 89 = Receives certificate of attendance/completion (youth with disabilities) 90 = Attains other post-secondary degree or certificate UC Eligible Status (Element #15) Highest School Grade Completed (Element #17) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics

12 12  Occupational Skill Coding (Elements #29 and #46)  Eliminated “Occupational Code System” fields  All occupational coding for training and, where available, employment will follow the O*NET Classification System  Conversion tables are available at the National Crosswalk Service Center at  Received TRA Payments (Elements #34 – 36)  Expanded categories to include those receiving TRA while participating in remedial education  Data format reflects total weeks paid in each category  States may need to design data interfaces with UI payment systems to extract total weeks paid Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section II - Services

13 13 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005) 1 = Yes, Received Waiver1 = Recall 2 = No 2 = Marketable Skills 3 = Retirement 4 = Health 5 = Enrollment Unavailable 6 = Training Not Available Required to be reported by the state when the TAA participant is co- enrolled in either WIA, NEGs, or another Federal job training program. Training Waiver (Element #37) Other Federal Program Co-Enrollment (Elements #40 and #41) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section II - Services

14 14  Other Reasons for Exit (Element #43)  Used to exclude certain TAA participants from calculation of the common measures  Type of Employment Match (Elements #45, #48, #50)  Designed to capture the data source used by the state to determine employment status in the 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd quarters after exit  If more than one data source applies, the state should record the source where the individual’s earnings are greatest  Pre-Program Earnings Data (Elements #51 - 53)  Collected and reported based on the quarter of participation; rather than quarter of separation  Additional field to report wages earned in 1 st quarter prior to participation Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section III - Outcomes

15 15 Questions about TAA performance issues? Want updates on TAA performance and reporting requirements? Please contact us at:  or 202-693-3031   Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance Erin Fitzgerald ( Susan Worden ( Questions or Comments?

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