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Practical Arguments Against the Use of the Death Penalty.

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1 Practical Arguments Against the Use of the Death Penalty

2 Juan Melendez 18 years on death row in Florida Kirk Bloodsworth 9 years on death row in Maryland Photos provided by Scott Langley WHY end the death penalty? There is a high risk of executing innocent people.

3 Image from Other well-publicized cases include Cameron "Todd" Willingham from Texas and Carlos De Luna, also from Texas. WHY end the death penalty? In fact, innocent people may have already been executed.

4 Graphic from Death Penalty Information Center WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is expensive.

5 WHY end the death penalty? Our communities could be better protected by using our resources for effective crime-fighting measures. Graphic from Death Penalty Information Center

6 From 1990 - 2009, death penalty states consistently had HIGHER murder rates than states without the death penalty. Murder Rates in Death Penalty States and Non-Death Penalty States WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is not a deterrent. Image from Death Penalty Information Center

7 "People who are well represented at trial do not get the death penalty... I have yet to see a death case among the dozens coming to the Supreme Court on eve-of-execution stay applications in which the defendant was well represented at trial." - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2001) WHY end the death penalty? Death sentences are reserved for the poor. Shujaa Graham spent 4 years on California's death row for a crime he did not commit. He was raised on a plantation in the segregated South in the 1950s. Photo provided by Scott Langley

8 Graphic from Death Penalty Information Center WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is disproportionately given to those convicted of killing white victims.

9 WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is like a lottery of geography. Graphic from Death Penalty Information Center

10 WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is a bad policy for murder victims’ family members. 1/2013

11 WHY end the death penalty? The death penalty is a bad policy for murder victims’ family members. Photo provided by Scott Langley 1/2013

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