Notes You can also expect practice worksheets, quizzes and a final over each homonym list. Commonly Confused Homonyms.

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1 Notes You can also expect practice worksheets, quizzes and a final over each homonym list. Commonly Confused Homonyms

2 Homonyms List #1 Accept / Except Accept – take; tolerate I accept the award on her behalf. Except – everything but I have everything packed except my shoes. Allowed / Aloud Allowed – permitted She is not allowed to go to the beach this weekend. Aloud – audibly; clearly The teacher read the story aloud to the class.

3 To / Too / Two To – towards or headed for; in order to I went to the store this morning, because we were out of bread. Too – also; excessively I missed the last basketball game, too. I had too much to eat! Two – the number 2 There are two books on the table. There / Their / They’re There – that place (rather than here); used to start sentences that reveal an existence of something. My backpack is over there! There is a roast in the oven. Their – belonging to them (shows ownership) That is their trashcan blowing down the street. They’re – contraction for they are If they’re going to go, I will too.

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