ASSERTING RIGHTS, DEFINING RESPONSIBILITIES Small-scale Fishing Communities and Fisheries Management Perspectives in the PHILIPPINES.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSERTING RIGHTS, DEFINING RESPONSIBILITIES Small-scale Fishing Communities and Fisheries Management Perspectives in the PHILIPPINES."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSERTING RIGHTS, DEFINING RESPONSIBILITIES Small-scale Fishing Communities and Fisheries Management Perspectives in the PHILIPPINES

2 2 Country Level Background SectorFishing Ground JurisdictionGearsMainCatch MunicipalMunicipal Waters (Inland Waters, Shore to 15 kms) Local government units PassiveSmall & large pelagics, demersal CommercialBeyond 15 kms Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Passive & Active Small pelagics AquacultureMunicipal Waters LGUPonds, pens, cages Shrimp/prawn, milkfish, tilapia, seaweeds

3 3 Community Rights and Claims Livelihood –Equitable use of resources –Sustainable resource base –Participation in management and development of resources Settlement Basic Social Services

4 4 Major Policies Involving Fishing and Fishing Communities Philippine Constitution Fisheries Code –15 km Municipal Waters –FARMCs –MSY-TAC Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act Local Government Code National Integrated Protected Area Systems Indigenous People Rights Act

5 5 Threats Destructive and Overextractive fishing gears Access –Delineation of municipal waters –Dislocation from aquaculture development Resource Use conflicts –Lack of Community Property Rights instruments –Conflicting tenurial regimes Participation in policy making & enforcement –Invisibility of the small fisherfolk sector, especially fisherwomen Judicial Process Fisheries liberalization –Intensive aquaculture promotion –Flooding of cheap imports and smuggled fish –Loss policy space Fisherfolk settlement

6 6 Commercial fishers Municipal fisherfolk Commercial fishers

7 7 Community Perceptions Geographic –Religion, Ethnicity, Gender, Clans, Wealth Fishing Sector –Gear-based Stakeholders –Compliance –Collective Action for Management

8 8 Examples of Community Action: Candelaria, Zambales Candelaria, Zambales –Municipal waters are reserved for exclusive use to residents of Candelaria combined with establishment of sanctuaries and gear regulation through engagement with LGU in policy making and enforcement –Engagement with LGU in the development of Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan to include provision for fisherfolk settlement area –Fisherfolk federation exercises influence over LGU despite changes in administration Candelaria, Zambales

9 9 Examples of Community Action: Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur –Women lead coastal resource management by the community through the organizing, policy formulation, patrolling, mangrove rehabilitation, sanctuary management and monitoring. –Organizational gender mainstreaming initiatives transforming relationships from the household to the community level –Capacity development to ward off eviction threats from private claimant of land –Linkaging with LGU and national government agencies to support long-term CRM efforts Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

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