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SLO’s. CRR#2 #1 Dr. Brownell and Dr. Frieden argue that the consumption of sugared Beverages an American consumes daily is one of the reason why there.

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Presentation on theme: "SLO’s. CRR#2 #1 Dr. Brownell and Dr. Frieden argue that the consumption of sugared Beverages an American consumes daily is one of the reason why there."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLO’s

2 CRR#2 #1 Dr. Brownell and Dr. Frieden argue that the consumption of sugared Beverages an American consumes daily is one of the reason why there is more obesity and diabetes in this country then there was before. A tax on sugared beverages can encourage consumers to switch to a more healthful beverage. “In the past decade, per capita intake of calories from sugar-sweetened beverages has increased by nearly 30%. beverages now account for 10 to 15% of the calories consumed by children and adolescents. For each extra can or glass of sugared beverage. Consumed per day, the likelihood of a child’s becoming obese increases by 60%”. A child in present day America is now more likely to become obese than they were back in the 70’s when consumption wasn’t as high.

3 CRR#1 #2 The narrator states that all of us are mentally ill and backs this statement up with a fact that we enjoy watching horror movies. Stephen kings states “it may be that horror movies provide psychic relief on this level because this invitation to lapse into simplicity, irrationality and even outright madness is extended so rarely. We are told we may allow our emotions a free rein... or no rein at all” (Pg. 517 p7). He is stating that the horror movies relieve a part of our mental illness that is usually hidden. The narrator also talks about how “our emotions and fears form their own body, and we recognize that it demands its own exercise to maintain proper muscle tone”. This may be a reason why we crave horror movies, because it expresses and relieves the crazy emotions inside us, emotions that are not usually exercised because the simple fact that it is not accepted into society. I do feel that the narrator has a valid point, we all have some kind of mental illness inside us; some people more than others. I also feel that part of why we crave horror movies is do to the fact that it relieves certain emotions that aren’t usually seen as much as others. It’s easier to show thinks like kindness, friendship & loyalty because its seen as something positive in society while insanity or craziness is not, so a way to exercise these emotions is by watching horror movies.

4 Southland essay #3 “what do you care, grocery man? he’s just a little nigger punk.” (Southland pg155) these words were the words that came out of Nick Lawson, a Los Angeles police officer known for beating and scaring colored people. Frank tried to report a crime about one of his employees getting brutally beaten by other people, but since the victim was a colored person, the police officer showed no interest. If a police officer, one you go to for protection and justice, is not willing to help then where do you turn to? An article entitled “today” explains the racial tension and injustice that was in Los Angeles, along with the consequences taken by these actions. “Black youth in the community, exasperated by police brutality and government officials’ indifference, took to the streets. They threw bricks and other debris through store windows, at police cars and at white passersby, and soon grew to include at least 5000 people. When a force of 400 police officers arrived to try to contain the crowds, they exchanged gunfire with the young protesters and beat and arrested many of them but remained unable to quell the unrest. After six days, the riots ended, leaving 34 dead, 1032 injured, nearly 4000 arrested and $40 million in damage.” The inequality among the whites and colored people was so bad that they felt violence was the only solution to the problem, but honestly it just made things worst. Many, family, and friends were torn apart.

5 Carol dweck #4 “Those with fixed mindsets have a tendency in becoming concerned with how smart they are, and seek tasks that tests their intelligence, but avoid ones that might not.” (Dweck, 1999,2006). Having this type of mindset can limit you to learning new things. A person with a growth-mindset however, loves challenges, they don’t worry about how smart they will appear, they take on challenges and put full effort into them.

6 #5 Journal Freewrites

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