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Gravitational Wave and Pulsar Timing Xiaopeng You, Jinlin Han, Dick Manchester National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Gravitational Wave and Pulsar Timing Xiaopeng You, Jinlin Han, Dick Manchester National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gravitational Wave and Pulsar Timing Xiaopeng You, Jinlin Han, Dick Manchester National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2 Outline WaveGravitational Wave –Physics of gravitational waves –Gravitational wave detection –Gravitational wave sources Detecting G-wave by Pulsar Timing –Introduction to pulsar timing –PPTA project –Directly detecting gravitational wave Effect of ISM on Pulsar Timing –Dispersion measure change –Scintillation

3 Gravitational Wave: Ripples in Spacetime! Einstein field equation Weak field approximation Gravitational wave equation

4 Properties of G-wave Quadrupole moment Two polarization states “+” “×” Generation of G-waves

5 G-wave Detection Interferometer detector –Basic formula: –LIGO: h~10 -22, L=4 km,  L~10 -17 cm –LISA: h~10 -21, L=5×10 6 km,  L~10 -10 cm Pulsar timing as G-wave detector –See pulsar timing part

6 G-wave Sources High frequency (10 ~ 10 4 Hz, LIGO Band) –Inspiraling compact binaries (NS and BH, M BH  10 3 M ) –Spinning neutron star –Supernovae –Gamma ray bursts –Stochastic background Low frequency (10 -4 ~ 1 Hz, LISA Band) –Galactic binaries –Massive BH binary merger (10 4 M  M BH  10 9 M ) –MBH capture of compact object –Collapse of super massive star –Stochastic background

7 G-wave Sources Very low frequency (10 -9 ~ 10 -7 Hz, pulsar timing) –Processes in the very early universe Big bang Topological defects, cosmic strings First-order phase transitions –Inspiral of super-massive BH (M BH >10 10 M ) Extremely low frequency (10 -18 ~ 10 -15 Hz) –Primordial gravitational fluctuations amplified by the inflation of the universe –Method: imprint on the polarization of CMB radiation

8 Pulsar Timing Pulsars are excellent celestial clocks, especially MSP Basic pulsar timing observation The timing model, inertial observer Correct observed TOA to SSB Series TOAs corrected to SSB: t i Least squares fit time residual

9 Modeling Timing Residual and Timing “Noise” From Hobbs et al. (2005)

10 Source of Timing Noise Receiver noise Clock noise Intrinsic noise Perturbations of pulsar motion –G-wave background –Globular cluster accelerations –Orbital perturbations Propagation effects –Wind from binary companion –Variants in interstellar dispersion –Scintillation effects Perturbations of Earth’s motion –G-wave background –Errors in the Solar-system ephemeris

11 Indirect evidence of G-wave PSR B1913+16 First observational evidence of G-wave Nobel Prize for Taylor & Hulse in 1993 ! From Weisberg & Taylor (2003)

12 Detect G-wave by pulsar timing Observation one pulsar, only put limit on strength of G-wave background New limits on G-wave radiation (Lommen, 2002) Photon Path Pulsar Earth G-wave

13 Direct detection of G-wave Observation of many pulsars Effect of G-wave background –Uncorrelated on individual pulsars –But correlated on the Earth Method: two point correlation Sensitive wave frequency 10 -8 Hz

14 PPTA project Goal: detect G-wave & establish PSR timescale Timing, 20 MSPs, 2-3 week interval, 5 years 3 frequencies: 700 MHz, 1400 MHz and 3100 MHz TOA precision: 100 ns > 10 pulsars, 1  s for others

15 Detect G-wave background Simulation using PPTA pulsars with G-wave background from SMBH (Jenet et al.)

16 Detect G-wave background From Jenet et al. (2005) G-wave from SMBH A) Simple correlation, B) Pre-whiten 20 psrs, 100 ns, 250 obs, 5 years Low-pass filtering 10 psrs, 100 ns, 250 obs, 5 years 10 psrs, 100ns, 10 psrs, 500 ns, 250 obs, 5 years 20 psrs, 100 ns, 250 obs, 5 years 20 psrs, 100 ns, 500 obs, 10 years

17 ISM Effect on Pulsar Timing 1. Dispersion measure variation PSR B0458+46 From Hobbs et al. (2004) What we will do: Calculate DM change for PPTA pulsars, improve the accuracy of pulsar timing Method: Obtain DM from simultaneous multi-frequency observation

18 ISM Effect on Pulsar Timing 2. Scintillation effect Scintillation affects precision of pulsar timing Second dynamic spectrum can deduce the time delay PSR B1737+13 From Stinebring & Hemberger (2005) What we will do: Study scintillation effect on PPTA pulsars, improve the accuracy of pulsar timing

19 Summary Gravitational wave detection is a major goal for current astronomy PPTA project has a chance for directly detecting gravitational wave Lots of works still need to be done to improve the accuracy of pulsar timing

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