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Arthur Rimbaud By Tony Sutherland. Symbolist His work is thought to be subconsciously suggestive.

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1 Arthur Rimbaud By Tony Sutherland

2 Symbolist His work is thought to be subconsciously suggestive

3 Background Prodigy, and wrote all poetry within a five year period. Although he was very smart, his peers thought of him to be unsophisticated, perverse, and youthfully arrogant.

4 Background (cont.) By the age of thirteen, had won many awards for writing Ran away from home twice after his school closed due to the Franco-Prussian war. Lived on the streets as a vagabond until the poet Paul Verlaine noticed him, and took him to live with him and his wife.

5 Even More Background Living with Verlaine in his house, Rimbaud and Verlaine became lovers. After Verlaine’s wife had her baby, Rimbaud and Verlaine moved in together. After 18 months, their relationship ended due to an event involving Verlaine shooting Rimbaud’s hand with a gun.

6 More Background?.... After the end of the affair, Rimbaud decided to finish the book “A Season In Hell” Although the book was published in 1873, it sat in Rimbaud’s basement, because he could not afford to pay the bill. He began traveling, and continued writing. He would return home for short stays every once in a while.

7 Does It End? (More Background) He stopped writing at the age of nineteen to make sure that his family could continue to survive and pay their bills. He suffered a pain in his leg, and had it amputated, however, the cancer had spread farther, and after suffering a night of hallucinations, he died on November 10, 1891

8 Almost Finished (More Background) In 1895, Verlaine published Rimbaud’s complete works

9 Today’s Effects Rimbaud’s Writing has inspired many different famous people including Bob Dylan, and Jim Morrison.

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