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Heart Anatomy. Contents Cardiac Chambers Structure of the Heart Conduction System Pericardium External morphology Position Vessels of the Heart.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart Anatomy. Contents Cardiac Chambers Structure of the Heart Conduction System Pericardium External morphology Position Vessels of the Heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart Anatomy

2 Contents Cardiac Chambers Structure of the Heart Conduction System Pericardium External morphology Position Vessels of the Heart

3 Lies within the pericardium in middle mediastinum Behind the body of sternum and coastal cartilages 2 to 6 In front of thoracic vertebrae 5 to 8 A third of it lies to the right of median plan and 2/3 to the left Position of the heart



6 one apex, one base, two surfaces three borders three grooves External morphology

7 Atria Auricles

8 Posterior Interventricular Sulcus Anterior Interventricular Sulcus

9 Left Ventricle Right Ventricle

10 right atrium right ventricle left atrium left ventricle Cardiac chambers

11 Chambers of the Heart

12 Right atrium

13 Pectinate Muscle

14 Right ventricle tricuspid valve

15 Left atrium

16 Trabeculae carneae Papillary muscles

17  Left ventricle mitral valve

18 Left ventricle ※ the papillary muscles(2 groups) inflow and outflow tracts (divided by the ant.cusp of the bicuspid valves)

19 Heart Valves Bicuspid (mitral) valve Aortic valve Pulmonary valve Tricuspid valve

20 Semilunar valve Ventricle diastole Ventricle systole



23 Tricuspid valve & mitral valve tricuspid valve mitral valve

24 bicuspid tricuspid

25 Ventricle diastole or systole ? 想一想 …

26 Ventricle diastole or systole ? 想一想 …

27 the walls of the heart 3 layers — endocardium *continue with the lining of the large blood vessels — myocardium *2 kinds: the ordinary cardiac muscles the specially m. — epicardium Septum interatrial septum ----Oval fossa interventricular septum ----Membranous part Structure of the heart

28 Structure the walls of the heart 3 layers —endocardium *continue with the lining of the large blood vessels —myocardium *2 kinds: the ordinary cardiac muscles the specially m. — epicardium Septum interatrial septum ----Oval fossa interventricular septum ----Membranous part

29 Atria Septum Ventricles

30 Left ventricle

31 It is consists of the special cardiac muscles 5 parts: Sinoatrial node Atrioventricular node, Atrio-ventricular bundle Left and right branches Purkinje fibers. Conduction System

32 — The sinoatrial node (SAN) *It is lies the junction between the right auricle and the sup.vena cava — The atrioventricular node (AVN) *It is lies in the lower portion of the interatrial septum just above the orifice of the coronary sinus — Purkinje fibers


34 Electrocardiogram

35 The arteries the left coronary a. the right coronary a. The veins of the heart the coronary sinus the ant. cardiac v. the smallest v. Vessels of Heart


37 Coronary arteries

38 left coronary a. right coronary a.


40 The arteries The left coronary a.  arises from the left aortic sinus  2 branches: ant.interventricular br. and circumflex br.  To supply the left atrium, left ventricle, the anterior surface of the right ventricle,anterior 2/3 of the interventricular septum,sometimes, supply the SAN and AVN.

41 The right coronary a.  arise from the right aortic sinus and runs along the right portion of the coronary groove  2 branches: post interventricular branch post branch of the left venticle  To supply right atrium, right ventriclepost. 1/3 of the interventricular septum, the diaphragmatic surface of left ventricle,the SAN and AVN. The arteries



44 Catheter


46 Coronary stent 冠状动脉支架

47 coronary artery bypass graft 冠状动脉搭桥术

48 Heart transplant

49 Artificial Heart 人工心脏

50 The arteries The coronary sinus It lies in the post.portion of the coronary sulcus between the left atrium and left ventricle. It opens into the right atrium. It receives:the great cardiac v.,the middle cardiac v. and small cardiac v. The ant. cardiac v. The smallest v.

51 Coronary sinus


53 Coronary Sulcus

54 1. It comprises 2 sacs: fibrous pericardium serous pericardium: parietal layer visceral layer 2.The pericardial cavity: the transverse sinus the oblique sinus Pericardium

55 1. It comprises 2 sacs: fibrous pericardium serous pericardium: parietal layer visceral layer 2.The pericardial cavity: the transverse sinus the oblique sinus

56 Pericardium 1. It comprises 2 sacs: fibrous pericardium serous pericardium: parietal layer visceral layer 2.The pericardial cavity: the transverse sinus the oblique sinus

57 the transverse sinus the oblique sinus

58 思考题: 试述心的位置和体表投影 试述心的外形及心腔分部 心腔内面能观察到哪些结构? 使心腔血液定向流动的结构有哪些? 试述控制心跳节律的结构基础 试述心的血液供应

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