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Encounters and Foundations Unit 1 Puritans Not the first settlers in the ‘New World’

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2 Encounters and Foundations Unit 1

3 Puritans Not the first settlers in the ‘New World’

4 First Settlers Norse settled in Iceland Died off in about 1000 AD

5 Indians First group of people who successfully lived on the continent (Thousands of years before the Europeans)

6 Relationship Between Groups Trading

7 Europeans Relied on Indians for: –Trading –Survival –Transportation (Canoes) –Shelter –Planting Crops –Clothing

8 Native Americans Relied on Europeans for: –Weapons –Textiles –Steel Tools

9 New Diseases Brought by Europeans –Native American ancestors were from Asia, and weren’t exposed to those diseases.

10 Smallpox The most devastating disease to Native Americans. Symptoms: The incubation period for smallpox is 12 days. However, symptoms can develop as soon as 7 days or as long as 17 days after exposure.

11 Smallpox (cont.) During the first 2 to 3 days of illness, smallpox causes symptoms that affect the whole body (systemic symptoms), including: High fever, often rising to more than 104° (40°), then dropping over 2 to 3 days. Extreme lethargy. Severe headache. Severe backache. Severe abdominal pain and vomiting (in some cases). Delirium (in some cases). Seizures in some children.


13 Survivors Treated poorly by settlers –Their land was taken –Homes taken –Friendships that had been made were forgotten

14 Explorers Columbus Cabeza de Vaca Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

15 Coronado Wrote journals about: –America’s resources –Friendliness of the natives –Gold

16 Puritan A broad term referring to Protestant groups that sought to ‘purify’ the Church of England –They wished to return to the simpler forms of worship

17 The Puritan Religion It’s a personal religion; It brings an inner peace Believed that the government couldn’t act as an arbitrator between the people and God

18 Persecution Put in jail and whipped Nose slit Ears chopped off

19 1620 Puritans were afraid to lose their identity, so they sailed to the “New World”. They hoped to build a community around God.

20 Beliefs Confusion: How did you know if you were “Damned” or “Saved” Adam and Eve’s sin caused the uncertainty

21 Saving However, God was forgiving and merciful, therefore some would be saved –No one knows for sure who will be saved –Requirements are unclear

22 How To Be Saved Two ways: –By the grace of God –Can feel the grace of God throughout your being People were constantly trying to notice a ‘change’ in the way they felt

23 Puritanical Values Self-Reliance Industriousness Temperance Simplicity

24 Bible Puritans believed the Bible was the literal word of God A necessity for all Puritans

25 Harvard Founded in 1636 Intended to train ministers

26 Puritan’s Needs To keep an eye on their spiritual lives To keep an eye on their social lives

27 Characteristics of Puritan Writing Bible was a model for writing Each life was a journey to salvation Looked for connections between Bible and their own lives Diaries were important because they kept the working of God in them Favored a plain style of writing

28 Characteristics of Puritan Writing (cont.) Preferred clear expression Avoided complicated speech

29 Age of Reason Tinkers and Experimenters

30 Fact Americans had to be experimenters and tinkerers to make do with what they had, and achieve results.

31 Rationalism Humans can arrive at truth through reason, rather than relying on the authority of the past, on religion, or intuition

32 Differences Between the Two Puritans saw God as actively part of the universe Rationalists believed: –God was like a clock maker…He created the perfect mechanism, and then people must run on their own –God’s gift to humanity is reason

33 Small Pox Came in a ship trading from the West Indies in 1721 Cotton Mather, a Puritan Minister, believed the disease came from a sin that had been committed

34 Mather He began to inoculate people based on findings from a Turkish doctor His house was bombed People were angered he had listened to a Muslim –But…it worked!!!! Only 6 of the 300 people inoculated died

35 Fact Rationalists believed God wouldn’t only choose specific people and times to reveal himself They believed God made it possible for people to always discover natural laws through their God given talents

36 Deists Believed the universe was orderly and good Stressed humanity’s goodness Perfectibility of everyone through reason Best form of worship was through helping others

37 Fact The Declaration of Independence is based on Rationalists beliefs

38 Ben Franklin Wrote his autobiography using reason Styled it after Puritan autobiographical narrative Omitted religious overtones Written in prose (clear and witty)

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